
If you think DC insulates itself from the rest of the nation b/c of lobbyists and politicians/political-adjacent industries you must not have spent a lot of time in DC proper, the place where almost none of those people actually live.

I also went to that Foo Fighter’s show Drew. I’m sure you were happy about it ending at 12:15 because you’re an Old now, but dammit, if you brag about there not being a curfew at the top of your show, you better play past 1 AM.

I always begin my shave dead center at the bottom of the chin dragging upward towards my bottom lip. There’s something about breaking up the beard (or in my case stubble to put in semi-generously) at it’s strongest point. It’s a total power move and the way I show my facial hair who’s boss.

The HJs?

What kind of person uses both “faggot” and “hick” as insults. I feel like this guy is the center of one of America’s saddest Venn diagrams.

He seems pretty drunk/high in this video. Not excusing just pointing out.

I dunno, Melania seems pretty pissed off she has to be there.

Yeah, unless you’re a Gary Johnson Libertarian (as opposed to Rand Paul Conservatarian) who believes that the gov’t has absolutely no place in regulating your private life (including but not limited to health care, drug use, marriage equality, abortion rights, etc.) you can’t use “Gov’t shouldn’t be involved in my

My favorite Trevor Bauer moment doesn’t involve a drone or a baseball but it does feature him playing himself in a sub-20 minute span

Now playing

Just curious what is your “nuanced reasoning” for supporting a guy who mocks the handicapped, women, PoC, and, as we learned last week, the accented way in which millions of Americans pronounce the name of the place where they or their parents are from (whilst presiding over an event that is meant to honor those very

They’re also the ones that think the best way to boycot something is to buy more of it: See Starbucks and the (wholly imagined) “War on Commercialized Christmas.” If this protest was carried out their way, Kap would take the field dressed as Cpt America (and they’d still find a reason to be upset with him for it.)

When you hate the Yankees but you hate Zack Hample more

Love and honor?

I knew Southsiders where shitheads but this garbage really takes the “I fuck my cousin and am illiterate” cake

Besides Ilya Bryzgalov?

Could you stop bitching about shit that no one is forcing you to read?

Nature: Putting a bird on it since Day One