
1. Daily Bugle is the Spider-Man reference you idiot.

...You think Cleveland, the team with no pitching staff, has a chance to beat the Cubs. Did...did you not watch this series?

I don’t know what my username has to do with the SEC as it’s a Spider-Man reference but do go on defending the indefensible practice of using the word gay as an insult. It’s real charming.

Guy calls someone a moron yet deliberately misspells Gators because “LOLZ GAYS.” Let me guess you’re voting for the walking talking cheeto right?

Kirk and Dold both told voters not to vote for Trump from the get-go, same with Graham.

Meanwhile Donald Trump is out buying this woman a new day bed

Hold up, this is not “typical locker room talk.” I’ve been a sports reporter in major league (and minor league/NCAA/HS) locker rooms (not to mention NASCAR Haulers) and I’ve never heard ANYONE advocate sexual assault. Don’t write this off as being not being a BFD. Shit there are women sports reporters with 30+ years

You think Cardinal fans are bad? Wait until Cubs fans finally taste success, it will consume us all, just like it did when the Red Sox finally won.

Wonder if his boss’s brother was among them

Uh, where did he say, in any way, that he was speaking on behalf of vets?

Saw the headline and it piqued my curiosity. Then saw it was Danville and, as a former reporter in town, knew a BS reason was bound to be given. I was not disappointed.

You’re the hero we need, not the one we deserve.

There you’d be incorrect. It’s like squares and rectangles. All Grizzlies are Brown Bears, but not all Brown Bears are Grizzlies.

Brown bears are also big as hell. I didn’t realize the video was shot in Canada though, you could be right.

I’d bet big money those weren’t grizzlies. Your point stands I’m just being a dick about it.

No, not a round, a game. Christ, when you correct people you’d better make sure you’re actually fucking correct.


Cadillac Williams