
Those people who fought and died for you and her (and all of use) actually fought and died to protect her freedom to do what she just did. She didn’t disrespect the flag by anymeans. What DOES disrespect the flag is to hide behind jingoistic claims of patriotism whilst criticizing others for expercising their first

That’s code for “I am about to say something incredibly dumb that perverts what it means to actually care about civil rights”

Let me guess, you also hate orange soda, wallabies, and dogs named Porkchop too.

He’s saying the same stuff Trump is. Remember when Trump called one of his primary opponents (I think Rubio, might have been Cruz though) a “pussy” and when he was called out on it he said something akin to “I didn’t day it. I was merely quoting a woman who I heard say it.” Or how about how 80% of the sentences in his

You’re assuming that he doesn’t just go back to Columbus and work as an OSU “Grad Assistant” and basically live in the weight room/practice field while he waits to get back in the game. It’s totally possible that he only falls a few spots which, in the long run, really won’t cost him that much money. Bosa could still

Yeah but can he take a chair shot?

On behalf of all my bros back in Oxford let me just say: Thank you Barry for buying into the perception that Miami’s hockey team is not all hype.

Love & Honor!


Ice to meet you

Maybe they can put some kind of blade on the bottom of the shoe?

Vince McMahon’s reaction to seeing Pit Tuafatofua:

At least Reagan served as Governor of California before deciding to run

Lady up top is the long lost Ryan Sister.

Shit they could do a spring 7-on-7 league and it would outdraw 90% of spring/summer TV

Good thing Shelly boy owns the newspaper then. What they don’t know won’t hurt ‘em right?

It was the late 00's and he did NOT take a stunner, but he did shave McMahon’s head at Wrestlemania that year.

You’re a bad person

1.) Gary Bettman is the greatest Commissioner/League President in the history of the NHL

...you do know HRC is the candidate that’s NOT saying we should go to/are currently at war with Islam right?