
A vehicle without power steering as a feature will turn easier at speed than one that has non-functional power steering.

And at 80 it goes to every 2 years.

University of Michigan is above that.

Let’s not place the blame solely on the horrible decision making skills of these kids. Their parents should be blamed just as much (if not more) for not teaching their children that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Teaching children to be fair, kind & respectful of everyone equally is one of the primary

I totally agree that Giselle Maurice is on the right side of this and (in my opinion deserves to receive compensation for the lost wages. However, you did exactly what you’re calling out as racist in your article. By stating, “White people cannot ever deal with the consequences of their actions.” you are guilty of the

Be honest. After the third move, you just stop unpacking all your stuff right?

Ok. I’m a lifetime Wings fan, but after this article I think I’m a Gritty fan as well...

I can beat that. I know a kid (too young to obtain a driver’s license) that would fly his dad’s crop dusting plane to school and land in the field across the street from the high school (he got the farmer’s permission beforehand to use his field as a landing strip during the school year).

I have a 2019 Odyssey. The foot operated parking/emergency brake has been replaced by a push button e-brake.

About 25 hits into the volley I found myself (internally) screaming, “hit the ball down the damned line!”

From the software developer’s standpoint, it makes sense to give early access for an additional cost to the consumers. If someone is dumb enough to pay $40 for 4 days worth of early access, why not make the money off of them?

I agree. I think they do this sort of post often enough that asking for “who is in X” all the time is a little annoying at this point. Luke, can it become Standard Operating Procedure to caption each photo from a cosplay event with the name of the character being portrayed?

Been there, experienced that. It is amazing how relative our perception of speed is.

Normally, I have a firm and abiding hatred for cars that are rusty (or appear rusty) to this level and are kept like that as a statement (as opposed to being because the owner can’t afford to take care of it). However, this one speaks to me. I like it. Don’t know why, I just do.

A star from me for invoking the “1/2 your age + 7 rule”.

If you’re going to be a spelling pedant, at least be right about it. Istari rises had it correct to begin with. Your mistake was not knowing the difference between a possessive (your) and a contraction (you’re).

At my work, raises are based on performance reviews, but my boss believes that no one is perfect (i.e. no one he supervises gets a perfect performance review. EVER). So when they hand out raises, I’m less likely to get a raise than someone with a different supervisor because they can actually get rated as “Excellent”

Wouldn’t it have been amazing if someone (instead of filming it for the purposes of posting to their social media account(s)) got ahead of the truck and applied their brakes (in the truck driver’s line of sight) to coerce him into slowing down/stopping?

Spot on. Especially the part about infotainment systems being a disaster. Who thought that a touchscreen interface was a good idea for a driver to interact with? It’s an accident (followed by a class action lawsuit) waiting to happen. Give me traditional knobs and buttons any day...

The reason it’s so lazy is that they don’t have to pay people to find the glitches. They just have to monitor the sites where people post about the glitches.