
I moved to Tennessee from Michigan. Everyone complains about “Potholes” down here. I always laugh. Tennessee potholes are AT MOST 1 inch deep. In Michigan they’re called potholes only when you worry about your suspension remaining intact when you drive through one...

I would love to see footage of what he was doing from another player’s angle. Was it just his instance of the game? Does everyone else still have the houses “existing” from their POVs?

Just because you don’t compile scripts, doesn’t mean it isn’t programming. Python is a scripting language, yet it is undeniably a programming language. It’s just part of a certain subset of programming languages that are known as scripting languages.

Ahem. The name of the baby must be Ike to kick it.

The study was done by University of Tennessee. I live in Knoxville. There aren’t many flat, straight roads around here.

I have had the Rain X ones before. They suck. You want your windshield to be hydrophobic. Not the Wipers.

As a Knoxville resident, I give you a star for capturing my feelings accurately.

Works with a 75 pound greyhound. Same results as you got with your dog.

I’m a greyhound owner. My dogs can reach speeds of 30-40 mph in 3 strides. No retractable leash is capable of safely containing that. The only solution is a 6' (or shorter) classic leash.

She shows the absurdity of the issue without attacking (verbally or physically). The perfect way to protest. Absolutely brilliant. 

Lemme guess. You’ve never done any programming before. Also, that’s a perfect example of a sweeping generalization that has no ground to stand on.

As a programmer I see a third option:

That’s where the modding community has provided added value.

Most games I have played that include character creation I do the same thing. One run through as a male character (similar to myself, but idealized), and then a run through as a female character.

1. Etrian Odyssey games for being NOTHING but an endless grind.