
I worked in a TMob call center 5-6 years ago... The pay was actually decent (compared to all other local call centers and much better than other customer service), health benefits were off the chart awesome, and we got a good amount of paid time off... because the job was absolutely fucking awful with very difficult

I actually watched The Last Airbender before ever seeing the series. At the time, I thought, "Why is this getting so much hate, it's not that bad". Then I finally watched the series and realized why it was hated so much. It followed the events of the series, but that's pretty much all they got right. The series

Do you mean hard, or tedious? Because often the two are very different.

I'd love to know what fictional world you are living in because no long term WoW veteran remembers that place fondly. Sure it gave us a few videos that were fun like Jenkins but outside of that back in the day when it was new? It was super stinking long, very boring, lots of easy mistakes could wipe the party, the

The moment:

Now playing

The Moment: Number 5 is alive! He wasn't blown up — he built a facsimile out of spare parts!

THE MOMENT: The very first dinosaur reveal.

For me one of the greatest nerd moments for me on film is possibly this shot of the Avengers from their first film:

"All those... moments... will be lost in time, like... tears... in... rain. Time... to die..."

The Moment: Lord Vader didn't betray Luke's father, he IS Luke's father.

Now playing

The Moment: The Star Destroyer chasing the Tantive IV

The Moment: The First Doctor, body wearing thin, lies down, body glowing and a new face appears.

The Moment: "Five card stud, nothing wild, and the sky's the limit."

The Moment: The death of Spock

This movie was fantastic. A walking weapon realizes what it is, and realizes that the great power it wields can make it a force for monstrous evil or great good. It comes down to the choice of the mind behind all that metal. How that mind is raised governs what it becomes; Atom0 or Superman.

God damn it Rags, YOU HAD ONE JOB!

Well, it malts my heart to know that if we don't like it, at yeast we can hop on over to to a less watery barley brew with a heftier price tag!

There are ways to balance work/life. Part of it is standing up for yourself. And hell, if you get fired for standing up for your work/life balance, you can always sue.