
Originating in New England...”

Not sure if this if this just Philly;

Because a plane literally nosedived like a bomb. 132 people are very likely dead. I’d certainly want to know why, regardless of the make and model.

I did enjoy the Angry Whopper.

It’s a solid sandwich; would be good with Tomato Soup. But the spicy is near indistiguishable from the regular. The cheese and toast mute the heat so much you’d be hard pressed to tell the difference.

Before you decide, consider the Dutch Baby.

FOMO crystallized.


Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for the return of the Cheddar Melt...

Dear Taco Bell,

Actaully, your body does digest the inner part. What most people see is the remaining hull or maybe some kernels that were swallowed while eating.

Yeah, Russel Stover isn’t exactly a prize either, but they’re waaaaay better than Palmer.

Corn, with its tiny, golden nuggets, carries almost no nutritional value whatsoever...

Oh hey, that sounds nice!

B&B Batman is great fun

When I make meatloaf, I don’t add breadcrumbs. I use oatmeal or sometimes Cream of Wheat.

I like each for their own features

Basically the high falutin’ version of “Hold my beer”?

Seltzer or Club Soda are what you get half the time when you order Tonic Water.

My dad bought dehydrated milk throughout most of my childhood. Whole milk was a revelation.