
You are now enlightened.

Never really started myself. Couldn’t acclimate to the inherent aftertaste of alcoholic drinks. I think I take after my father. Only man I knew who drank purely for flavor, and rarely at that.

You mad lad, you crazy fool!

So they’re METAstasizing like cancer. Appropriate rebranding

I would like to state Heinz’s Mayonnaise is worth a following. It’s got a certain savoriness that Hellmann’s lacks.

Hell, technically the patrons are already footing the bill VIA TIPS. I’d rather that cost be built into the meal’s price and the server get a guaranteed decent wage.

Yeah, Tonka wasn’t counting on a competitor bringing in Marvel to create a mythos whole cloth. Which is a shame, as there were some interesting concepts buried in the show (Go-Bots actually being cyborgs, only military service granted the ability to convert, female Bots everywhere with no feminized designs...) 

Your friendly reminder that Go-Bots were first...


“We believe our readers are intelligent adults capable of making such choices for themselves, independently of us.”

Dum Duns are fine when you want a lollipop, but not so much of one..

My dad did, but I don’t think he bothered to google them.

I will take all your unwanted Sugar Daddy candy. I never had much pocket money as a kid and a Sugar Daddy would last a good long time.

Also, Luigi has Daisy. That’s a helluva win in my books.

They all taste like aspirin water to me.

I’m all for it’s removal, but isn’t it on private property? Just like that weird gold leafed statue with the really crazy scuplt?

Fertilizer? I’ve heard peanuts do soil some good.

Totally on board with this, but not gonna happen while #45 is in office. Look how they sidetracked the Tubman $20 bill.

Dang... No love for Fudgsicles, Nutty Buddies (and it’s upper tier cousin the Incredi-cone), or even the humble Klondike?

More. It’s basically just sugar with hints of milk and flour at worst or bland vanilla at best. At least with Pumpkin Spice, you have a good chance of actual SPICE, depending on the blend/brand.