
I saw full sized Mr Goodbars regularly as child during the early to mid eighties. Gets fuzzy after that.

Rosa gave Feathery’s granddad a small but important role. He sold Scrooge the land for the bin.

This really doesn’t surprise me. Deep Dish, properly done, is not some you eat on a whim.

hrm... Yeah. Since I’m waaay up in PA, I’ll tweet.

Pennies. They’re just dead weight that slips to the bottom of your bag and tires you out faster. Especially if several houses follow suit.

Personally, maybe not so much the tech, but the design philosophy. On the whole, things in that Galaxy far, far away are built to LAST. R2-D2 and his line have been the gold standard for astromechs since the Old Republic. They’re only just now finally being supplanted by the BB units. Things are built to last and be

These look like those red bean paste buns you see in Japan.

Need some Goya brand Adobo seasoning on this list.

I could buy this definition. A basic hot dog with minimal condiments is rather snacky. Chicago Dog is definitely a sandwich.

No. More for me.

Dewey is classic middle kid, getting lost in the shuffle and seeing exclusion where none is intended/exists. I speak from experience.

“I win”

Yes, they did back in Gyro’s first episode.


Oh damn, Takeout. Why did you open this can of worms? I love Heinz too but even I know ketchup is extremely divisive.

Huh. I was of the understanding that American Chinese is a regional cuisine, making the best use of what’s local and adjusting for local tastes.

Well. Now I want a grilled crabstick on toasted poppyseed hotdog bun.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? adapted from Who Censored Roger Rabbit?

Exaclty. This is why you will never see the end of the Sonic. That said, GIMME.

Well Sunbow animated Transformers and Gundam. Naturally they used the same SFX.