
You loved it, I loved it, Van artists and Frazetta fans loved it! But to be honest, it's like that serious Hong Kong Phooey short CN had online. It's great as a one off, but you know it'd be damn tough to do as a series and keep it that awesome.

uh... You do realize Robotech was cobbled from three distinct series, yes?

No Safe House? BOO!

Plok was a great game with a lot of character. The one glaring omission was a lack of any way to save your progress, near inexcusable in the SNES era.

I need 10 library cards! STAT!

Maximillian gets a HM and not V.I.N.C.E.N.T. or B.O.B.? Shenanigans!

Hm... I wonder who's idea it REALLY was to donate it.

Proabably. You're welcome to your opinion. However your choice of words is akin to "I don't mean to offend..."

Give them to me. All of them. Pohatu and Kopaka look so good!

I bought that for my mom when she turned 50. Still has it.

Those minisets are great but... $75 a week? For a month!? I think someone needs to check the dictionary.

Someone call Hasbro and make this Tracks's new alt mode.

That shot of the river looks like something out of the Professor Layton series. Very nice.

Farsight's a great buy. I've also spent a bit on Carcasonne and it's expansion packs.

ah yes. Grudge monsters...

What the hell? It's called Pumpkin Spice because it's the same stuff used to spice PUMPKIN BASED FOODS. This is like accusing Hot Dog Relish of having no hot dogs. Side note; Seattle's Best used to make a great Pumpkin Spice coffee until they were converted into a subsidiary for Starbucks.

My dad took me to see this when it came out. It completely went over my 9 year old head...

I am down for this. Set it in Philadelphia. We got tons of haunted potential!

I think Sergio Aragones mentioned Pulque in one of his stories for his anthology series. One year he was in charge of the annual MAD magazine trip, this time going to his homeland, Mexico. He took them to a Pulque tavern and told them they had to finish the drink or it'd be a big insult. After forcing down several

I'm not seeing Droid Maxx on that compatible list.

I'm not seeing Droid Maxx on that compatible list.