
While this is an interesting look at one man's experience, I certainly wouldn't call it a look at controller evolution. Hard tobelieve the poor guy never had a Game & Watch (first use of the + control) or a NES (popularized the + control). And yes, I RTFA.

Dear CNBC,

oof. Sounds like you burned the candle at both ends. Add in the bad guilding and no wonder you burned out.

They're building Tartaros from Appleseed?

You should see how money hungry PvZ2 has gotten since it's initial release.

You're assuming said car was salvageable.

I'm pretty sure Phineas & Ferb already covered this.

Top speed is in the 90s and average hwy limits are 55-65 mph. I'm not seeing the problem there.

This too, shall pass.

Didn't Charlotte mention an uncle of hers catching fish in his web in Charlotte's Web?

Being a non-sports fan, I understand the intent, but really now. Find another tavern/pub/bar/waterhole or toughen up and wait it out. It's only two weeks every four years.

Give it time. Star Wars Infinity is almost certain.

*knock knock* "yes?" "Sir, we're with the departmant of Homeland Security. We need you to come with us.""What? Why?"

Please tell me he's got a generator/battery hooked up to that. So much potential energy!

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
C.S. Lewis

I'm guessing/hoping there'll be some sort of protective sheath in the final design?

I'm guessing he wanted to see how long it would take for the blade to wear out and after 8 months decided, "F*@% it, I'mma posting this."

Mega Man fan community sez "Hello>"