
Noob. Every character has a counter. Your teams just sucked.

This is ‘Murcia. Aka Idiocracy

Well said! Disgusting all around like Bristol Palin as spokes person for condoms!

Slow clap started!

Sonic RPG a la Mario RPG.

Great work detective!

I wonder if Seattle has a high export business in saltine crackers?

Pot Roast seems about right.

Pot Roast!

It is bullshit. If it is true then the answer is money. Likely this was embellished.

I saw the Haitian Red Cross scam on Vice. Watch Good Will and clothes donation boxes. Planet Aid is just like Red Cross. Good Will jacks up their prices on clothes they receive for free.

Every cause has this type of thing happen. Stop giving money to faceless entities to make yourself feel better. Time is better than money when helping people during tragedies.

Mediocre movies make tons of money. Mediocre games make tons of money. Fuck all involved for making this a success just like Call of Duty games.

I wouldn’t want to play with LeBron if I was a big man. He could play with Shaq and the media and fans would have clowned him. Oh wait they did. Love had a great game. I hope he goes somewhere he is appreciated.

Rick and Carl could not have been killed. 9 scenes.

Can he go off a goal post then off Messi’s ass off Hope Solo’s hittin’ hand off Ronda Rousey’s unconscious body at UFC 193 finally off a crying Jordan Meme of LBJ after the Warriors win the Championship?

The real question is do they all have to have standing desks as well?

New blood is needed! New movie spiffy needs a fresh game take too

ESA is so jelly that they don’t get fees from Devolver. Anything to make the next man’s job harder.