
Rich bribing people to get their way? Sounds like another place I know...

Nintendo can not sell a great console without 3rd party support. It might be ok or terrible but not great.

THIS!!!!!! You confirmed my thoughts that you were a troll. Confirmed.

Nintendo might as well stop with the gimmicks and get with 3rd parties and rebuild those bridges. After the Wii U I refuse to buy Nintendo until they stop with the gimmicks.

Yea cause someone wants to sit like that for an hour and a half. Stop selling me apples and saying they are oranges.

How did PS move or Kinect work out? You are either trolling or really simple.

I want to see the war with the tribes and factions that survive in the U.S. and Canadian survivors!

VR especially by Sony is a wait and see. I refuse to put more into their pockets until I see substance with anything not named PS4.

That’s a great start right there! Which brand are you using out of curiosity?

Thanks for the reply! Mine will not be as long but I wanted to start my own gym at home and was just looking for real people’s opinions on where to start. Step 1 is free weights vs. machines. What is your MUST have piece of equipment in your home gym?

Which brands of machines do you find great for upper body and which for lower body?

No dev will long term do more work than they have to. More work for the same money makes me think Neo is going the way of Move and Vita.

Thanks for the History lesson.