I think it was Ghost Writer, which wasn’t long ago - about 5 years, I think. It did well. Major stars involved.
I absolutely agree. The fact that she likens it to a “Thor parody” shows that she is not an 80's child, thus not the target demographic. I simply can’t wait for this one, so PLEEEEASE BE GOOD DAMMIT.
Exactly. AMerican horror story: female nipples too extreme. Man getting anally raped by a person with a giant metal screw dildo- no big deal.
This guy is still milking this particular cow? I remember hearing about this when I was like 9. And while I ain’t really that old, I ain’t really that young, either.
OMG i first saw her in The Dreamers and my boyfriend at the time and I were both AGOG with how amazing and sexy and terrifying she is. AGOG, I SAY
They’re from northeastern Kentucky, hillbilly country, not the deep south. I’m not saying there’s no racism there, but it’s a very different culture, and wanting to dissociate from poverty is likely to be more about stereotyping than race.
I dislike grits, corn and polenta. The rest of the family would think I’m weird, but my brother actually dislikes cake so he gets the most comments. :/
Ahh he was on Big Brother and showed his entire ass. At one point he was talking about one of the girls in the house saying that the other guys should rape her because she was a virgin...her family was not amused and neither was I
That black and white picture was from a funeral. Yeah, I doubt he is going to throw in some pizzazz in the middle of a mourning affair.
It’s not a great theory. There’s a well established explanation for Arys going fully mad: his imprisonment during the Defiance of Duskendale. He was already a little crazy before, but that set him off. So unless Bran has been whispering sweet nothings in Arys’ ear for his entire life, this didn’t happen.
Easy payday. They think if they get enough publicity and probable cause, he can get a settlement out of court because whole foods would want to “silence” this bad press as quickly as possible.
Big fan of Bowie here.
Nothing happening today is as bad as Little Richard ripping off Esquerita
I did not know this about Asia Argento. I am in a mild state of shock.
Harmony Korine was born just ten miles from where I sit typing.