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Oh, Google images isn’t going to cut it.

That shirt sounds amazing!

Good things I came across today:

I hope we get to see this one day:

I think the cherubs were just an excuse to have a painting of his naked self surrounded by naked little boys. Gross.

Me too! It’s gorgeous, and quite skillfully crafted, at that. The faces are incredibly expressive, and check out that fantastically-shaped nose on the left! I say the Picasso comparison is totally warranted.

Thanks for the thorough answer. Pretty interesting, the impact that the Wardrobe Malfunction had on US media. And, of course, advertisers and their money (but this one is not so surprising).

Yup, anyone who continued to work with him after the allegations were made immediately were put on my celebrity shit list. Also not at all surprised by Miley, she is the girl who wore an “Uncle Terry Touched Me” shirt after Terry Richardson was accused of sexual assault and continued to work with him. She sucks.

seem to me, Brad is chained to Angie.


His recent plastic surgery makes this seem all the more suspicious...

Oh, I see what you did there. And it made me chortle. An honest to god chortle.

Angie is going to get it like she lived it.

I’ll be honest I haven’t seen that one but maybe we’ll check it out

I’d much rather they go costume than be so boring all the time. And honestly , it’s put on by “The Costume Institute” within the met, so in that case costumes would REALLY be preferred.

I remember not finding it scary as a 13yr old but of course that’s subjective. I guess compared to the new one, it seems ridiculously tame to me.

Poppy’s dress has a more medieval appeal to it, which I love, even if I argue that it’s not really much what the theme is.

Elizabeth Taylor had such a charmingly diverse set of causes.