
One of the great things about Doctor Who, especially classic Who, is that you don’t have to go big to go scary.

Last week’s episode could have been brilliant, if it was The Shelleys and their friends trapped in a house with a badly injured Cyberman with no blaster or magical teleport powers; just a hulking unstoppable

My own random thoughts:

i couldn’t possibly disagree more about what you’re saying about the earthbound context. I don’t want it to be explained more. I couldn’t think of a way to let the air out of this show (pun fully intended) faster than to give it concrete Lore. The fact that the Other President is basically Alexa and that the US

Awful. Its great to have a show address mental health issues, but just like the environmental stuff in the awful resort ep a few weeks ago, it was so clunky and poorly written! It just drags drags you out of the narrative; “now children, this week on Doctor Who, we’re going to talk about mental health”. I know its a

I honestly think Chibnall is just a bad writer.

And yet another hot take of why JoJo is meh because “it’s not that good a Holocaust film” when it’s not trying to be a Holocaust film.

Woeful. Next level bad. From the hanging plot threads all over the place (why did the monsters keep the old guy alive?), to the terrorist who basically got a free pass because Mummy didn’t love her, to the frankly weird editing. Then the speech. I’m the last person who’d be a climate denier, but sweet Jesus that whole

Now playing

I think we’re seeing the new status quo for Chibnall era Doctor Who.

Rewriting any damn bit of canon they feel like (even from the previous season, not just classic Who) for a largely mediocre and inconsequential episode that will ultimately be forgotten because it had nothing original to say.

I will admit, the

Bravo, Mr. Bricken. Who’s responsible this?!

That’s why you don’t fire the entrees until the previous course is almost done, and then bus the table before bringing them. It’s not complicated. I did it that way for years and it seemed to work out fine. 

Yeah, I understand that. I think it’s nuts, but I understand it. That’s why I said that I’m not trying to argue about that.

The Expanse premieres its fourth season (thank you, Amazon) on December 13, which means you technically still have time to re-watch seasons one through three. But if you don’t have several dozen spare hours between now and next Friday, we’ve got a handy primer to remind you of exactly where things stand.

“These trivialities demean me; I must away and tend my ravens”

There is no answer, but the answer is Eleanor.

MURTY: “Some day, I think you and I are gonna end up bloody”

What? Everyone is now suddenly too cool to try and ride off in a fucking rocket? I want that in every episode from now on.

“If you say in the first chapter that there is a Molotov something something hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must be used to set fire to something. If it’s not going to be used to set something on fire, it shouldn’t be hanging there.”

I will fight you.

Still the proven best instant ramen: