
The Bush Kangaroo??

Should we really be doing this? It IS 2020, after all...

I loved the Moffat era, too. 

I’m positive she was wearing a merkin that covered all those fun parts...

In my mind yes, because I saw Cannibal first, and it’s just so amazingly weird (Lianne???), and the songs, and the high school production feel to it...

Love Cannibal: The Musical...

That’s actually COVID-Mickey. 

Zombie beans. 

Also Diana Wynne Jones. JKR stole a fair bit from her books, it seems.

No, was at their place with Ash in Melbourne, Australia, waiting for so they could return to Woodstock so she could rest and he could write, when he got a call telling him to pack up the house and to get on a plane to NZ that lands before midnight (trying to avoid quarantine kick in rules).

Me, too. DON’T DO THAT.

In all honesty, I’d love Arnold Schwarzenegger to do a commentary on Cats the Movie.

ugh. I don’t want to like your comment, but it’s true.

I love my brick.

I know Moffat stayed much longer than he wanted due to the fact they couldn’t find a replacement. Running Who is a hard job.

I really hope so. But that would be an ecumenical matter, would it not?

I’m never watching that again. Ugh. It was drivel, and, worse, utterly boring.

You can ask for the well whiskey (or whatever it is you want), or the cheapest.

I whizz them in the food processor and then add them.