
Listen not everyone is destined to have a life long partner that sticks with them through means of an incredible gravitational pull ok? The Sun is just single and we have to deal with that.

Maybe season 6 is 40 episodes long.

But I wonder if at this point they knew about the timeless child twist? Because the episode was fun for destroying everything we thought we knew and having both Jack and the Jadoon as misdirects were awesome, but to learn they had no plan for what the timeless child was this far into the season would be heartbreaking


Wes Chatham’s Amos would be a hard act to follow for any actor.  He is that guy.

I think we read different books...

Fucking Americans. Just fucking vote. If you want to get rid of Donald Trump, vote and don’t piss it away on a third party candidate.

I really hope Klaus started a “Save me Barry” cult. 

It’s fun how people are finding ways to make sure we never ever get out of this mess.

And thirdly...why?

I’d say 99.8% of children do not go to Disney on their “own dime, time, or volition.”

Yeah, he would be “Rory Pond, né Williams,” not “Rory Williams, née Pond”. And the adverb “eventually” doesn’t work in this case, “née” is the feminine past participle of the verb “naître,” therefore means “born”.

Mary Shelley’s ode to genetic engineering,

The Twitter thread says what the safest plan is - wash your hands before you sit down to eat.

Me too, I assumed the coronavirus had got him. Now is not the time for this sort of thing. Though clearly the guy is a legend and deserves the attention, but seriously 'He's not dead but...' should be in the title.

Yeah but this one spooked the stock market so it’s serious business. People are disposable, profit isn’t.

I'd long stated during Moffat's tenure that people were going to look back on his time a lot more positively once he was gone and someone else was running the show. Nice to see I was right.

‘Glitches of Ireland’? I wonder if these three are knocking around deep inside the Matrix.