This was a not fun version of The Pirate Planet. Yes. The tiny planets in a crystal world coffins are lifted straight from that particular Keys to Time story.
This was a not fun version of The Pirate Planet. Yes. The tiny planets in a crystal world coffins are lifted straight from that particular Keys to Time story.
Absolutely horrendous. And absolutely no need for any of that. All they needed was one police officer (if they needed a cop) to go over, and talk quietly to her, and ask her to stand up. Talk with her like one human to another. Not descend upon her like the freaking flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz and try to pull…
“Find out what happened, Mister Fibuli, and find out fast, or by all the fires of night, I’ll have that skull off you!!!”
I’ve also watched (and listened to) all the Doctor Who episodes, and grew up with Classic Who, and you always know it’s the Doctor. Jodie has moments of that, but then it’s like she’s delegated to the corner or something. I don’t know.
I’ve also watched (and listened to) all the Doctor Who episodes, and grew up with Classic Who, and you always know it’s the Doctor. Jodie has moments of that, but then it’s like she’s delegated to the corner or something. I don’t know.
The Doctor doesn’t have to be the ‘Oncoming Storm’, but the Doctor should be able to walk into a room and take control no matter how insane s/he may sound. S/he should dazzle with language and insight and if not ahead of the curve, able to get there in a few bounces.
We’d also need the parrot.
I know this is your personal list, but how dare you! How dare you put Rory so low.
I said it in another comment thread, but this really was a joyless The Pirate Planet.
But the Doctor should always be the Doctor. We should know who s/he is. It’s finding out what aspect of the personality comes forward more that makes it fun.
Agreed. When they let Jodie have Doctorly stuff, she’s wonderful. But they insist on writing her Doctor in unDoctorly fashion and it really annoys me. Male or female, she’s still a Time Lord, and still the Doctor. Write her that way.
Agree with me, or I’ll have your bones bleached!
This episode had a joyless The Pirate Planet theme running through it. You know, with the whole shrunken planet thing. Needed more Robo Parrot and Mr Fibuli. and the captain, obviously.
Dear Flying Spaghetti Monster! That is horrible. Japan TV can be sadistic and insane but this one takes the cake for the most cruel.
Yes, they need to stop with her being female as her defining characteristic. But the season is almost over and she shouldn’t still be growing into it, as in who her Doctor is. And that’s on the writing, not on her. She’s fantastic.
Tom Baker was the Doctor for 7 years, Jon Pertwee for 5. I think the rest were mostly 3 with maybe one for 4? so this is pretty much the norm.
Yep. Old Who didn’t have to have world threatening menaces....or if they were, it was played on a small scale which works. That’s why the Doctor and the companion always snuck away into the TARDIS while whatever dignitary or person was about to shout the accolades about the Doctor’s heroics.
Yep. If you travel here, make sure you get the top tier travel insurance. I’m going back to Australia next year because I can’t live like this. And it’s absolutely astounding the amount of sane and to the left Americans I know who argue against universal healthcare.
It’s brilliant, isn’t it? Christian Sassy is my favourite, if you haven’t watched it, I recommend it. What does he do to all those bibles?
oh, go look up on youtube Sassy Trump. Peter Serafinowicz does the voice.