Dagon Cleo Macready

I think N&D was a few years later (2005 or 06). What you're referring to was more mid-late 90s (The Stand, The Shining), and overseen by the unfortunate Mick Garris, who had nothing to do with the TNT project.

That's the one!

Did you see any of those "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" episodes? It was an 8-parter (I think) on TNT in the mid-2000s. Most of them were total crap, except the first one. It had William Hurt as a hit man vs. army toys, with little to no dialogue in the entire episode. Excellent, but a steep drop downhill after that.

I like the way you're thinking. I'd toss in
The Jaunt - Christopher Nolan (with an editor keeping it to under 2 hours)

A belated thanks for the recommendation — definitely an above-average dive. My favorite thing about the place was that they don't serve food, but their full name is Montero Bar & Grill.

I recently moved to Brooklyn Heights and have noticed a dearth of good restaurants and bars (specifically dive, but really just in general). I'm referring to this neighborhood only - I have to imagine there are gems all over the borough. Where should I go?


There's a novel called Lord Grizzly that is essentially the same story as The Revenant - Hugh Glass is a fur trapper, gets mauled by a bear, left for dead by his fellow trappers, heals himself, quest for revenge. (Side note: LG is a much superior novel.) Thing is, Hugh Glass was in his late 40s-early 50s when those

Check out the comments section of last week's review - I'm essentially saying the same thing. Some changes make sense, e.g. the addition of Uncle Chester scenes (pads the running time but at least serves a narrative purpose, assuming they also adapt Mucho Mojo). Flashbacking to Hap and Leonard's childhoods is also a

Good thoughts. I would call the show a mild letdown to date, but to your point "so little actually happens," the real action of Savage Season all takes place at the end, so I'm holding out hope the show will follow suit (I've since seen ep. 4, and the pace does seem to be picking up, though there was another change

Since you've read the books (or at least for this question, Savage Season): What do you think of the small but many changes they've made in the transition to show?
The manner in which they find the money, discover one of the safe's had leaked, and end up back at Leonard's house seemed perfectly logical in the books,

I feel like the "Hap and Leonard are dimwits" slant (a commercial for the show even used the phrase "Lonestar Losers") is a show fabrication and not in line with Lansdale's portrayal. Down on their luck, maybe, but that's a far cry from stupid.

Referring mainly to what's mentioned in the review:

I'm trying to like it more than I actually like it, to your point. There are some plot holes here that don't appear in Lansdale's fiction, which surprises me about Mickle and Damici.

I sincerely hope they get renewed for a second season - especially since that would mean adapting Mucho Mojo (which they're already setting up, a little bit).

I really hope someone got fired for that one.

Thought it was a B+ episode. Still more table setting for what's to come (disclaimer; having read the book) and I thought the character development - group dynamics as they led their woods/river search, Hap/Howard/Trudy interplay - worked well. It's two episodes in but the Hap and Leonard relationship already feels

Upvoted for agreement with The Drive-In. Would love to see non-CGI creature FX of the popcorn king.

I think they include some flashbacks to how Hap and Leonard became friends, which Lansdale has written in some of his short stories. Other that that, it is pretty much straight up Savage Season.
Without having seen it yet, I do hope it gets renewed for more seasons - Mucho Mojo and Two Bear Mambo were both good

The Thicket, a 2013 (I think) western by Lansdale, was also quite good. There was some chatter a ways back about adapting to film, with Peter Dinklage as the bounty hunter (yes, that's as awesome as it sounds).