Dagon Cleo Macready

I just painted my living room brutal gray!

For my money, Hard to Be a God should have been best foreign picture, hands down.

Speaking of Spartacus (of which I was a huge fan, especially Andy Whitfield), the clams and oysters dialogue from the 1960 Kubrick flick (by Crassus, I think) is supposedly among the earliest depictions of bisexuality in a Hollywood film.

Count me among the clueless - albeit, I used to watch it more in the 90s, when I was young & naive. Revisited MC about 5 years ago and had that epiphany. So it probably took me a good 8 viewings.

Curious about the timing of this article - is it any way related to the forthcoming Hap and Leonard?
Leonard Pine would certainly deserve a spot on this list (and a double hat-tip for Michael K. Williams).

And also, you should win things by watching.

In watching T2 recently, my only change of opinion was how fucking annoying Eddie Furlong was. Seeing it at 13, he was right around my age so I probably identified with him a little in that teen angsty way. Now I wanted Ahnold to backhand him. Otherwise the flick holds up remarkably well, and to this day (Avatar and

Saw it on my 13th birthday :)
Agree with your assessment.

The multiple aliens of, well, Aliens, were people in costumes - but so was the alien in Alien (albeit, a 7 foot tall dude). I recall Cameron saying in an interview something about only (or mostly) showing the aliens from the waist up, because of the costumes. Makes sense - lots of smoke around the floor, in the

And the "love interest" looking like a young Meryl Streep!

I was so careful to make sure I spelled Gulager correctly, of course I get the bird wrong.

To me, Nancy's mother is a highlight of the movie - especially the scene where you see her take a nip from the vodka bottle in the background. Her line delivery is classic. Campy? Yeah, a little. I loved it though - reminded me a bit (albeit in a different way) of how Piper Laurie played Carrie White's mother.

With bonus points going to Clu Gulager and that bizarre exploding cockatiel scene.

That was a shame.

The novel which it's based on took quite a few liberties as well. Problem is, "what really happened" would wind up for a pretty anticlimactic ending. I mention this elsewhere, but Lord Grizzly is the superior Hugh Glass novel.

Did you read the novel of The Revenant? Thought it was meh. A much better novel (about the "true" story of Hugh Glass) is out there called Lord Grizzly.

A less annoying version of what happened when someone thought it a good idea to put Dennis Miller in the Monday Night Football broadcast booth.

Both intriguing possibilities. I'd throw Peter Mensah (Oenomuas from Spartacus) in there too.

Add a shot of Fitzcarraldo for me.

I thought we were Quiet Riot?