Dagon Cleo Macready

Wasn't that Grim Prairie Tales? With Brad Dourif and James Earl Jones?

Yes, there were dancing cigarette packs.

The most faithful adaptation I ever saw was the one that was made for TNT in the 90s - Randy Quaid as the monster (!) and I think Patrick Bergin as the doc. I was a kid, and had just read the novel (therefore excited to watch it) so I doubt it holds up that well (I'm the production values aren't great) but I do

I think most of us would agree Dracula is far from perfect, but my biggest gripe was the tonal inconsistency - it definitely wanted to be a horror movie most of the time, but having Hopkins' Van Helsing serve as comic relief seemed an odd choice. Tom Waits was already handling that aspect, and quite well.

I always thought he said "Oh my God" - I'll have to re-watch with subtitles on. Absolutely agree regardless, I love that scene.

Put 3 last and I agree with your order.

Aren't you leaving lyrics out that explain this?
Billie Jean is not my lover/she's just a girl who claims that I am the one/but the kid is not my son

Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life
Absolutely Free
Zappa in New York
Burnt Weeny Sandwich
Roxy & Elsewhere
Hot Rats

Yes, worthwhile, but there was novel written in the 1950s (I think) covering the same "true" story called Lord Grizzly. Interesting to compare the two, but IMO Lord Grizzly was much better.

I'll admit that my introduction to Zappa was Strictly Commercial (side note: How do you arrange a 'best of' collection for Zappa? Impossible). After that though, my first 'album' was Best Band, and I loved it.

I feel like it will either be absolutely amazing, or a trainwreck - nothing in between.

I hate Iñárritu but man am I excited for The Revenant. Have any of you read the novel? Thoughts? There's a similar novel called Lord Grizzly I thought was much better (both fictional accounts of the Hugh Glass story). I always pictured a 50s-ish Kirk Douglas as the lead, strange to see DiCaprio wear that hat…

But will it have robots?

Forgot about that one. Recall it had some pretty awesome VHS cover art. Side note, but you wouldn't expect that directors like Mike Nichols and Neil Jordan have werewolf movies on their resumes.
Have any of you seen Monster Dog?

Definitely - good call. Arguably better than everything I listed.

Some of the sequels to both Ginger Snaps and Howling were better than they had any right to be, in addition to their quality first entries. Do not ever see American Werewolf in Paris. A few other quick notes:

(That, and visiting my parents, who don't have wifi.)

This ^^. A portable charger, old laptop and a handful of old dvds got me through 5 days without power in NYC during Hurricane Sandy.

Ever see the Mickey Rourke commentary on Angel Heart? He's clearly pretty intoxicated, chain smoking, and overall coming off like he'd rather be anywhere else. In that totally awkward way, very compelling viewing.

Never seen this, but I had Neil Landau as a creative writing teacher, and he was surprisingly funny for someone only known as the screenwriter for DTMTBD.