Perhaps she was born on February 29.
Perhaps she was born on February 29.
I have a friend whose aunt was involved with showing dogs for a while. I mentioned Best In Show to her, and she quickly said, "I know you think that movie's a comedy, but it's not. It's a documentary."
Stop right there. Back away slowly. I get that you want to think the best of people for whatever reason, BUT THIS IS NOT THAT. Just because you're a nice person and tip well, please drop the #NotAllHumansThereMustBeACompellingReason nonsense right now because how you behave is not a universal thing. There's…
That paragraph is spectacular. You appear to be lost. I'm sure there is a nice article about knitting your righteous indignation into mittens over on lifehacker.
It's kind of the same as when PoC criticize white people: if you are a white person hearing that and you don't do the things the criticism is about, then you're not being criticized, so our job is to kick down and not get mad (after first honestly self-examining to figure out whether we actually have been doing the…
Here is how I see it. When you travel somewhere there is an expectation that you should try and understand, and to a reasonable point, cater to the customs of another culture. Here, there was a culture that was established for 50 weeks a year, and for 2 of them there were people coming in, who were clearly from a…
The media has coached us to believe that depression is no big deal. It's just being super unhappy, and if you take a pill and go to counseling and you'll be fine. That's not the reality for people with chronic mental illness. Nobody shows the 20+ pills a day you can end up taking, the damage to your liver and…
Did you read my comment? The whole point is that if you assume "what the fuck she wants" without trying to clarify (something that ANY decent customer/food service worker would do pleasantly and in a non-confrontational manner, seriously where are you getting coffee?), there's a high likelihood of getting the order…
Once I was waiting tables and had a table with a couple on a date. No problems, totally unmemorable. I was watching from close by and saw the guy put the cash tip on the table. When they stood up to leave, the woman went to the bathroom and, once she was out of sight, the guy circled back and took the tip back.
Omg I knew before even scrolling down into the comments there would be people defending latte lady. I KNEW IT.
OH MY GOD THE DOLLAR STACK!! Sadly this is more common than you would think. I've encountered it several times over the years. But only once was I actually able to do anything about it.
I'm just going to share this story from last Saturday. A good money-making night- the restaurant is packed, we're trying to turn over tables. Of course half of them are fucking campers. So when another 8 top of 40 something year olds roll in, I'm begging my manager to give them to me. Bright eyed and with an imaginary…
Monogrammed Thermosery
I am sorry. I understand that a lot of people like Jennifer Aniston. I did not even live in this country during "Friends" but I will say that I am really, truly and honestly tired of her desperate attempts to be relevant.
fffffaaaaarrrrkkk.... My brother is a chef, and he has cut himself open at work several times and just bandaged it (or cauterised it on the grill) and kept going until closing, but jeez lady... And she did everything right from a triage standpoint, was she an ex-combat medic or something?
I tended bar at a Friday's in College. It was on the ground floor of a hotel and we did room service orders. One night, I had a very young couple come and eat. Super nice and all. I was also on room service that night, so I had to take orders on the phone and run the cart up, etc. Of course we had a system for this,…
You sure do have a great sense of humor, yessiree.
I totally understand about the song. I feel the exact same way about popular Christmas music. The grocery store I worked in through high school and college would start playing Christmas music shortly after Halloween and keep it on till mid-January (why?!). Of course being a grocery store there were only 15 songs on…