
They're not "close friends" by any account. Rumors are that Yoncé barely tolerates Kim, and when kim and kanye first got engaged gossip mills said Beyoncé had already said she wouldn't be there if it was going to be any part of Kim's show. Can you imagine Bey on reality TV? please. yes it was nasty - it was meant

To be fair, it had a real name when I lived nearby. But then some artist decided to install this new sign, and Canada liked it so much they kept it.

I would hope my friends would stand by me even if I made a terrible decision. Who else could convince me of the error, or care enough to see me through? I feel lonely reading those messages saying they would just abandon their friend. Humans are imperfect and maddening. We make mistakes. They aren't who we are.

Also, I just want to say that I'm not sure how this is more morally wrong than anything else. It's not directed at you, but everyone else commenting on this thread. Are all of these people calling out their friends and folks as scum because they refuse to date a dude who's 5'2 or just brunettes? Or because they

Being from the same region as this man, I can attest to the residents' love for chain restaurants (the Olive Garden opening in my hometown last year was a crazy bananas event), but I will also caution against disparaging the palate of North Carolinians/Southerners altogether. Yeah there are tons of shitty chains, but

Amazing how this site, which I normally enjoy, would happily tear apart a man whose been abusive or attempted murder. But this bitch (yeah, I SAID it) gets a pass?

This is why I love you. You don't let some commenters who think that their call outs and threats to leave the site matter take your time and attention.


She really wasn't ripping on her. There's some shade and snark in here because it's Jezebel and we like our shade, but I really do think Kara's just noting that she is having a very rough go of it breaking into the US music scene. Which she is. I definitely don't think Kara would rip on another woman for being a

Who said they don't like her? They just said her career isn't working out in the U.S.

Who hates her?

"Rita Ora Is Still Trying"

Olive Garden is my wife's favorite restaurant.

He's so fucking self-important it's not funny. God I hate him, like so much.

As a thank-you for this comment, please enjoy a complimentary picture of Jensen Ackles with a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl.

I'm a large man with a SMOKING HOT (she looks like Brittany Snow, only hotter) live-in girlfriend, and I can tell you that she doesn't love me because me being fat makes her feel good about herself, she loves me because *I* make her feel good about herself. And you know what? She makes me feel good about myself,

That's why I have the feelings that I'm expressing! It's not like I'm seeing a celebrity around my age and being all salty about her fame or something. I mean, I like Jennifer Lawrence and Anna Kendrick... but I don't think they're representative of women my age because I don't think a single person can be that for an

"My absolute favorite are the reviewers that go to much-hyped restaurants and shit on every aspect of the place to seem superior."

Portland Yelpers are a very special breed of mentally deranged snowflake.

Children are the source of all that is wrong with the world. I am kind of serious. Before I had children, I had Ideals that I would die before I would bend on. Now, I would knife an elderly couple in a back alley if my kids needed me to. I would sell bad penicillin to get my kids thru college. I loathe those soccer