
yeah, the “alt-left” should have a calm civilized chat with the nazis instead.

Jezebel had a great takedown of the ad the other day where they called out his creepy white supremacy vibe, among other things.

Referring to the legislature: “guys”.

comment of the year

Roy Cooper did not become Governor until 2017.

I been saying this on my facebook page: White Supremacy is black peoples problem but not our responsibility. Sometimes you just gotta let white people do some shit. Black people would have gotten shot the fuck up had we tried that, this is some shit White privilege lets you do, so good job white people.

I wonder if the mayor is secretly relieved that they don’t have to confront this issue head on with this particular statue now. They can just say it will be fixed and postpone it indefinitely. Politically, it’s the easy way out.

So is the Man in the High Castle an endorsement of Nazism? Or Handmaids Tale an endorsement of treating women like property? Or are you just having a kneejerk reaction to something you really don’t know anything about, except a rough premise?

Because any modern day presentation that doesn’t depict it as being worse than the already-shithole-realworld-South is an implicit endorsement of white supremacists.

What do you call being forced against your will to stay in a place without for no reason other than people holding you there?

^ Lactose intolerance, I guess

Not going to be a popular take but I’m going to say it anyway...

Seriously, this blog post was about as exciting as room temperature glass of skim milk.

Uh, the Spellmans were included in the original announcement. Do you have any sort of evidence that they were asked after the fact? You can think the show is a bad idea without blatantly making shit up to discredit it.

Yeah the selective reporting is like a page out of the Trump handbook.

Or Get the fuck out of the street. We get it your upset, but that doesn’t give you the right to impede other peoples life

Okay so stupid law, yes 100%, any driver who INTENTIONALLY runs down ANYONE should be charged with murder.

Blocking traffic is not peaceful protest. In fact it is a forceful violation of the drivers’ right to freedom of movement, which ironically is a practice that Nazi Germany and the Warsaw Pact Nations both participated in. Which is why after WWII, the United Nations thought it was important enough to enshrine in the

I feel like it’s ever-so-slightly disingenuous to call this “a show from two white men” when there are, among the other executive producers, two people of color who were billed by HBO as also being writers for the series.

Wow, when did Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcolm Spellman become white men?