
One of the fun things about throwing people in boxes and treating them with casual and uncaring injustice is they kind of fixate on the unavoidable conclusion that the world would be a better and more Just and beautiful place for everyone, without you in it.

The terrifyingly chilling thing about humanity is that when it forges a sword powerful enough to pierce the shrivelled soul of a true demon, then everyone that sword is used on thereafter is ‘logically’ a demon ...

Rejoice, for America continues as it was founded, binding deliberately weakened people into contracts that exchange their health, education, and access to justice, in return for staying alive in a system where the benefits only really flow upwards, no matter what the contract said?

You never see THAT aspect of him in all those grandfatherly-like WWII portrayals of him, hmm I wonder why... ;)

It lowered the activation cost for the event to a couple of seconds of anger, so it did increase the number of events. It also supplied anonymity so you couldn’t stop recurrence, which attracts even greater recurrence, which increases the number of events further.

My first thought is “how many of those cops just shot each other?”.

In the Burton Batman movie, a newsreader dies from the Joker juice.

The most efficient form of governance is a dictatorship. This is also the simplest to understand and fastest to operate.

I’m just impressed that no part of her broke off and killed an audience member.

Not so! Ever contemplated how many data-retention/processing laws a standard protocol droid like that is already breaking?


My seatbelt has a shoulder height adjustment slider, for the same reason.

Europeans are the most racist people on earth. WAY worse than Americans.

Yeah, but .. this is insane! Is this a 4chan thing? Are there people Googling up foreign cosplayers, and deliberately jamming them into old wounds to keep them open?

Arson by a Simple person for simple reasons.

Anyone else get the impression that we’re never, ever, going to stop adding emojis until we’ve fully reinvented hieroglyphics/Chinese?

For me, it’s more like this: The joint CEO of one of the world’s largest companies has resigned and stropped out of top floor meeting, by jumping out the window (for dramatic effect).

“It’s natural for sheep to forage for themselves!”, said the farmer, who simply doesn’t want to fork out for their winter feed.

Let me ask you this: Do you think he would have done this if a white man raped his friend?