Or his ex...
Or his ex...
I wonder what the blood-alchohol limit for sanguinely-inscribed demonic contracts is...
The Iranian military is almost certainly sending people to cough on golf balls, because they almost certainly think the US deliberately infected them.
If you consider it as mostly a gigantic, fluffy, badly-styled haircut on a standard small-headed/huge-eared fennec, then most of the volume could be explained/excused.
“...protect the sanctity...”
Yeah, but if someone starts helping you, and you stab them, who isn’t helping who here?
The kiddie-porn stash in this context isn’t usually for personal use - it’s a bomb that you upload to a victim’s computer where it lies until discovered eventually or by “tip off”, ending their career/life.
*scratches head*
And in order to be balanced, the next question needs to begin like this:
Suddenly it dawns on me that a genuine anti-christ would have to seriously fight for their crown.
So, let’s rephrase this, in context:
There was a time I considered the ragers to still be capable of coherant thought and thus have points worth considering.
There was an article, probably on Kotaku somewhere, about a women who tracked one of her rapey toxic trolls down - it was her neighbor’s normal-acting kid.
I just want the behavior ‘scored’ on game accounts somewhere, so I don’t have to play with people who aren’t *actually* very good at being people.
Wait, what?! I am not removing my protective instincts just so you get a fair fight! You nuts?
“Writers: Okay, we have magic, war, politics, dragons, gorey slashfests, pecs, boobs, bums, baths - we’re bound to hook people with at least one of these!”
What was wrong with developing them in secret like usual? Same military effect. It’s not like Russia wouldn’t know.
I think my favorites are from Dwarf Fortress.
My programming tutor’s very first lesson in the very first class was:
I’d make it the “Faith in humanity”-o-meter. You can only heal if you have enough optimism that they are even worth saving.