
Scientists find genetic breast cancer risk increases your fondness for hair treatments!

Why shouldn’t this apply to all the children of rich property-owners? They pay less tax than the Royals do.

Sandman: Sorry I was a massively violent bad guy leaving a trail of damage, I’ve had a bad week. Here’s a picture of my daughter.

Yeah, fruit has natural sugars, but then industry bred the fruit to be so sugary that fruit juice sugars are now off the charts.

That’s a point actually - can you get dehydrated nut milk powder?

There are only two lifeforms on the planet that don’t continue their existence by slaughtering another living being and/or consuming their flesh/excretions.

Netflix just got Last Airbender (the real one), and it seems to have been run through a 16-bit computer that especially hated encoding everyone’s mouths...

The one that sticks in my memory was someone being arrested for “suspicion of resisting arrest”.

You mean like splinternews?

You’d think that’d help, but there’s every chance it could make it worse.

Pretty sure the guy who *actually* killed the latest loony was one of those guys Trump just betrayed, by ordering them out of Russia’s way so Russia/Turkey/Syria could kill your only friends out there, that you spent all that time fighting alongside for nothing now.

Might be damn handy for mad whirlings - less inertia/strain and better bang per buck per muscle.

Cookie Monster.

Outrage addiction.

A parable: A man is trying to roll a boulder to the top of a hill - he can’t do it alone. Kind strangers begin to join in, and together the boulder begins to move. The kind strangers call their friends to help. Some unkind strangers try and push in other directions, but they are beaten and chased off. Finally the

Untitled Goose Game II : Rise of the Un-Goose

Disneyworld, Donald Duck suit.

Makes me wonder if every other off-duty gun owner is now allowed to shoot people when they guess wrong about something.

I’d say it matters for cancers caused by malfunction of gender-specific tissues. Massively tilts the threat profile.

If you were the mother, but later became male, or vice versa, should the birth record change?