
It isn’t.  As the article noted, Atlus invoked their right to issue DMCA claims for Persona 5.  They only opted to reverse their stance due to negative publicity.  Most publishers view streaming as free publicity rather than lost revenue, so while they have the option to issue takedowns, they rarely exercise the

I’d agree with you, if it wasn’t for the fact that the music industry didn’t have a habit of DMCAing people for singing the “Happy Birthday”-song.

“Well, if conservatives lose Roseanne Barr, liberals have to get rid of Bill Maher.”

The sandwiches are solid, but they use breast meat and just about every fast food establishment offers a solid chicken sandwich option. It’s a supply issue.

Still have never eaten at one. Growing up in SoCal, they didn’t exist. Then when I lived in the south, just never was on my radar. Was going to try one recently in MD after seeing a movie, but there were some weird religious types outside handing out pamphlets, so that creeped me out enough to stay away.

Hey Zack, you spelled “its” wrong at the end of the first paragraph. I demand an apology!

It wasn’t mutiny. Souther sought to lawfully remove Nguyen from command, and Nguyen murdered him.

I feel a little sick after losing Souther, his loyal crew, and Win launching hybrids at, I assume, everyone, Earth and Martian alike. I’m very disappointed in Souther’s crew’s ability to mutiny. Cotyar is still hurt, but I’m guessing he’s going to have to go Die Hard on the Fleet Admiral.

In keeping with the dramatic patterns they’ve established, I think that bitcoin counter of theirs is going to suddenly blow up, two minutes before the end of the episode...just as Richard is about to sign something awful (possibly with Belson, as you suggest).

They’re both assholes, just in wildly divergent ways.

I think the trajectory of pied piper and hooli are leading to them teaming up versus China cliffhanger for the end of the season. Gavin has no way to make a physical product and pied piper has no money...so the only way to move forward is together.

That’s one tight spacesuit.

That was quite the gratuitous butt shot, wasn’t it?

You didn’t hear?

‘The biggest problem with this approach is that Silicon Valley fails to take any sort of cogent position on the issue.’

This must have been discussed multiple times before, but is the show trying to imply that Richard Hendricks is gay, or that he is asexual and people have accidentally read that as gay, or that he might be gay but is in deep denial?

This tower?

He does. It’s just a little less spermy.

I’m not going to lie. That does look like a sperm. I love the painting. It’s easily the most interesting and creative presidential portrait. I would love the painting even if it weren’t Obama. That may, however, be a sperm. Artists are strange.

I got such a kick out of the Enterprise showing up at the end (and it looked fantastic), so of course the AVC review hates it.