
As I gotten older, I find I don’t care so much about comic book type continuity. Not story continuity, like A leads to B and then to C, plot and story wise. Continuity like how does this story done now fits into a story made 35 years ago with precise detail.

So Sarek just forces mind melds on people now. I still find this weird as hell.

Looking forward to this episode. I feel like the Klingon War arc retroactively adds a lot of context to ST:VI. It helps explain why enlightened Starfleet officers would suddenly drop casual racism into conversations about Klingons, or why a bunch of high-ranking officers on both sides would conspire to kill their

Can we stop pretending that Obama was some sort of great leader? He’s better than Trump, but so is every other one not named Buchanan or Jackson.

Sorry for the editing fiascos in that post above.

Wow you are really beating that over a decade old South Park joke to death, aren’t you?

I liked the idea that John expressed, namely, that not everyone wants to live to the maxiumum of whatever potential he or she might have. Clearly he understands that the point of life is not to attain the highest office possible; rather, the point of life is to be content.

This is why Riker is my favourite character in

*Isaac, stroking Gordon’s arm*

You’re 11 episodes in and have come here to complain.  Troll or just sad loser?

Both John’s job change (mirroring Geordi) and getting a cat (Gordon sits in the same place and Isaac is a straight reference) made me think these were some more ST:TNG homages.

Personally, I’m kind of happy to see a lighter take on the whole Trek style of program rather than yet another re-hash of the essentially humorless “Roddenberry’s solemn vision of what the future can be” that’s been offered up for the past 50 years.

I’m expecting to see the bridge cat going forward.

John’s ultimate explanation about his reluctance to demonstrate his intelligence as a consequence of growing up on a colony full of blue collar-types with little patience for brainy people was interesting, but also a bit unsatisfying as a one-paragraph synopsis for an entire lifetime of self-muting behavior.

Comic Spoilers

That last scene, as it pulled back from Madani, made me yell at the tv. At first, I thought it was going to be her mom helping her, but nope! Also, given how much play the K Bar got leading up to the raid, I figured that was how Russo would get Stein. Totally forgot about his hidden blade.

One thing I wanted to add. In addition to Robert Picardo (and of course Penny Johnson), another Star Trek vet makes an appearance. Elara’s mother was played by Molly Hagan who played the female Vorta Eris in Deep Space 9

It could be setting up something that’ll pay off in a future episode.

The only reason Yaphit was getting away with it was because the Doctor did not report it. Pay attention this is actually the first Episode where our Doctor flat out said if he didn’t stop she was going to report his behavior. In every other episode she told him to stop and then did nothing about it. Its actually a

I knew the OUTRAGE machine would be carrying pitchforks and torches after this episode; this was the full McFarlane-either go with it or leave. In about ten years when Cheeto Hitler is history (unless he changes the Constitution and runs for a third term), it may be possible to feel slightly embarrassed by conflating

The image of Mick reading a book like Dracula WITH those reading glasses on was probably my favorite sight gag.