
Yeah...if anything Tilly has proven to be far less abrasive than her first appearance suggested she would be.

That red-head bridge crewmember finally got to say a word.

I must be the only one who enjoys watching the Klingon scenes in Klingon. It really helps those moments come alive for me.

I know, I know. I’m a huge giant fucking nerd. But listening to people having real conversations in genuine Klingon is freaking amazing.

-I get the feeling the writers/producers are playing a semantics game with a distinction between invisibility screen and cloaking device, that way it can make “Balance of Terror” and the theory of the Klingons gaining a proper cloak from the Romulans later on make sense. During the opening battle, the “invisibility

Has anyone else noticed that the show seems to have shitty fathers, but hearty father-figures?
Mike’s dad is aloof to the level of malicious
El’s dad is literally the big bad of season one
Will’s dad s an abuser and user
Lucas’ dad is hen-pecked
Not Rob Lowe’s dad is an abuser
But Hopper, Bob, and even Steven fall in the

Creepy men that kidnap hurt women and keep them “safe” in their dungeons and yell and lock them up when they disobey and try to escape are in fact good samaritans and should be treated by said women accordingly (with love and respect)?

When he kept her locked in a creepy dungeon and refused to let her contact her children.

I dunno. I thought it was pretty clearly implied that her “savior” intended to rape her.

Nonsense! Last week’s episode was terrific! Each episode has gotten steadily better than the last.

-Not counting Kirk’s barfight in the Kelvin Timeline, this is the first party that felt like a party in “Star Trek.” Every other “party” in Trek seemed so elitist with classical music while people sipped champagne. These actually seemed like people who wanted to have fun and sex and a good time. Also, I love that we

wow I guess humor really IS subjective because I found this episode hilarious.

This actually makes me respect those jokes and the writers who wrote them more. That’s pretty subversive of MacFarlane to do that at the Oscars imo.

Good lord, I had COMPLETELY forgotten Marge was an accomplished artist. I was reading this and thinking, “huh, where’d THAT skill come from?” Marge has so often been given the short end of the stick.. no real lasting friends outside her family, not many casual interests outside of what we see her do in episodes in

Easy there killer. I think hes trying to say lighten up. Which after this post is clearly something you need to do . Fuck your high minded bullshit. It doesn’t make you look smart.

Let go of your internet mandated hatred, it’s not 2002 anymore. Besides if you love Trek chances are you made it through Janeway and Archer. At least Ed is supposed to lean towards the incompetent side and be a little annoying.

Because they want star trek with lens flares and war crimes and a total disregard for continuity.

Counterpoint: You’re wrong, and also it’s his most fully realized, most enduring, and most popular work.

I’d beg to differ on how good the Orville is - this is damn fine TV. It has it’s own style of comedy, where it deliberately lingers on jokes a bit too long, and that extra beat is part of the joke.

But it’s not Trek, that’s for sure. It’s different, and arguably better.

The Orville is a deconstruction playing things

What exactly do people want out of this show? Obviously it’s nowhere near being Star Trek level good, but TNG was even further away from being Star Trek level good in its first season. Most of the comedy misses rather than hits, but at this point I don’t care because The Orville is clearly a sci-fi drama, not a sci-fi

I don’t understand all the reviewer negativity for Orville. As star trek lite isn’t this pretty much exactly what you’d want or expect?