
Thank you. This ep was a B at worst. Loved the last 15 minutes.

You know, I honestly don’t think we watched the same show. I’ve really enjoyed this season, as have my wife and son. I’m an old-school fan, they are not: so it appealed across the board. I’ve always enjoyed Zack Handlen’s writing in the past, but I feel he went into this show determined to hate it.

Lick the boots. Yummy. 

Why does ignoring the legal authority of the court make you de facto wrong? Does every court order become morally right by the mere fact it was issued by a court?

She’s been asked to testify before a grand jury not a court of law. It’s a kangaroo court at best. She’s testified about this already in an actual court of law.

Only the US and Liberia still use a grand jury system. The proceedings are kept secret, there’s no judge it’s led by a prosecutor, and the defendant has some

She was jailed for refusing to answer questions about her association with Wikileaks.

*hits you with your own fists*

Damn, so my bills are torture. I knew it all along to some extent.

You mean torture, which has proven repeatedly to be ineffective at securing desired outcomes, is ineffective at securing desired outcomes?!  I’m shocked!

I believe your sarcasm meter needs re-calibrating.

Because its psychological torture. If they just assign her a heavy fine up front, thats a one time hit, its ‘easy’ to come to terms with it. Its not going to get worse.

Manning also faces a daily fine of $1,000

She’s got no one but herself to blame. If instead of exposing atrocities committed by Americans, she had committed those atrocities, she’d be out of jail and being praised by the president. Hell, she’d probably be Secretary of Defense/acting Chief of Staff by now.

Uh, why are you assuming he’s a hero? Main character”and “hero” aren’t synonyms. Furthermore, why are you assuming he’s not going to evolve in any way? After all, this is a franchise where the dude who killed a bunch of tykes became a saint by tossing an old guy down a reactor shaft.

I’m a big fan of older westerns (and the recent modern ones too), so to see a classic western story told in Star Wars form, hard to argue. And even better, it’s done in a smart and stylish way. And the music! The visuals!

I’m thoroughly enjoying it, the same poster that hated last weeks episode is here again, and hates this episode too, so it may just be something to skip for certain people, as it seems the show simply won’t please everyone. Nothing wrong with that, it’s not like people have to love or even like this series, it’s

I would think the moral of that story is, don’t attack Madalorian bounty hunters, shit’s bad for your health. As for the beast? It was an attacking creature, driven by instinct, words and reasoning certainly won’t stop it.

The takes I’ve seen in this comment thread so far are, in my opinion, pretty seriously misguided. The casual murder fits in with the Mandalorian’s character as a bounty hunter: ruthless, violent in his problem-solving. It suggests a bit more of galaxy-wide racism (seeing Jawas as disposable pests moreso than living

Correct, but again, talking specifically to centerhumperdwag14, and his reply that says “if we’re going to talk about Hillary’s X, then we should talk about Bernie’s Y.”

Bernie’s fake charity