
Lots more juicy butt shots.

The robot war angle is incredibly boring, perplexed by the good reviews, I was hoping for a lot more out of this season and I’m not seeing any rich layering or telling intrigue.

Bobbie booty POPPIN yo

You can find it if you google “我想要(I Want Remix) 艾福杰尼/BooM黄旭”

Uh, no, it doesn’t, it gets shit because Iris is dreadful and has dragged the entire series down, she has zero chemistry with the actor, or anyone on the show, just a terrible casting choice.

Yep, that’s...a sperm, the actual vein is just a slender vein, it doesn’t taper off into a sperm-shaped head.

Never thought I’d see a dude bent over all fours in a jock ass to the camera on Star Trek.

Uh the Emperor is going to nuke the damn planet, how did you not pick up on that? The finale preview ends with the fight over this plan, and we can safely say it’s averted somehow.

“So being the first president to assassinate an American child”

I’m glad I can buy these on Google Play, I wouldn’t f***ing see them otherwise.

This is an F- show, how on Earth is it getting good scores? Everything is just made up on whim and things happen for no reason, it’s like dying of a drug overdose every episode.

Who the fuck reads after the word spoiler?

“I’m confused as to why Micro thinks that Rawlins’ death will suddenly allow him to come out of hiding and return to his family.”

Could have done without the racism and sexism in the asides, damn.

The last episode was great, you just didn’t like that it doesn’t jive with your politics, much how you didn’t like the social media witch hunt planet because you probably love that stuff.

You dropped in on the worst episode of the season? That’s your first? Nine episodes in? The fuck is wrong with you?

You misspelled Peter Macon.

I found the SJW ponytroll, visiting us from tumblr to gin up some outrage.

AVClub, pretty much Entertainment MSNBC

Fuck Hillary voters. We’re stuck with President Tang because of them.