
“We knew Billy was ... a bigot”

The only people who don’t like last week’s episode are the people who are being satirized in the episode.

(probably not as high as they’d pay for the ship that’s apparently winning the war for the Federation, but why quibble)

Damn, that dog dude during the dance break had a LOT of booty, mmf.

No it’s pretty terrible, the writers just love it, because nostalgia, the same reason I still watch it but recognize how awful it is now.

“I finally started watching Star Trek: Discovery. It’s pretty good!”

I feel like this might be some kind of Starfleet Intelligence ship, the way they operate is paranoid in a way, I can’t rule out Section 31 but a whole ship? That’s unlike them, though I am leaning toward the captain being S31, the power to upend Starfleet and take the first ever traitor on as a crewmember with no

Woke Brigade review is positive, probably means it’s shit.

Well the commentary was on automation replacing people, specifically the white working class, and their raging against it with the agreement being farcical because there is no happy ending. Pretty boring libertarian politics there, also utterly false because the bulk of the world’s labor has moved to China, not

I wonder if Mr. PB has a human dong or a dog dong.

“Lena Dunham and her tweeting prowess have been name-dropped ahead of Dunham’s first appearance on the show. Here’s hoping they go full meta and have her character reference her love of Girls.

I’m pretty delighted, I finished it, and I guess the payoff for the VLM is in the next half of the season, but The Terror is uh, terrific, and I can’t wait to have him heavily featured in the next episode. I can’t remember the last time a villain was so funny and personable, yet clearly evil and murderous, and his


Good grief you’re a dreadful writer, both her being a town ho and the psychotic kid were repeatedly foreshadowed with obvious dialogue and prolonged shots. Benevolent Bigotry is your prescription to the former, no thanks, I’ll take depictions of people in all manner of roles.