
Well I guess this is better than fetus soup.

It's all for consumption. The cheaper the ultrabook will be the more people will buy it, the more intel will sell their chips, the more they profit.

All very clever designs. Brain for cpu, worm for virus, and ram for ram. Not sure about the skull or blue bird though.

How Pythagoras of you!

3D porn or Gigapan video porn? That is the question.

Aww sweet! I'm enrolled for the fall semester. Good to know I'm safe from zombies.

Fanboyism - sh*t just got real.

"Odds are, if you're a Gizmodo reader, you'll be stuck down here with the rest of us sinners..." LOL I knew I shouldn't have looked up the #nsfw tag! Now I'm going to hell. Thanks Giz!

Osama Bin Fappin'

Our reefs are not safe!

I guess this will help lower the high blood pressure that many Americans have.

After the aliens get this information, Earth will be easier to destroy than the Defstar.

Looks like neuronet. Guess in the big picture, we're just a bunch of neurons.

This is good news for Mr. Burns who has the rare O- blood type. Now he can live on for another 500 years!

Wow thanks. Those are some sexy gadgets.

Very cool article. Interesting to read about the future of computing.

Must've been shot using gigapan technology.

Another reason to watch AND not watch Fox news!

When cross winds hit you, you're gonna wish for a heavier bike.