House Milkshaker of Daftbollocks

I don’t think that’s true. Federer is one of the most famous people in the world of any sport. But they aren’t less famous than Federer or Nadal or the Joker.


I like to imagine he both winked and did finger guns after the, “Ladies know what I’m talking about” remark.

knows he’s a loser. His insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism.

We should pay him more for not getting his dick out and waving it about when he plays against other men.

Oh, god, the Jack Wills shirts! So many of the guys in my grad program used to wear them, and they looked SO incredibly douchey.

Pretty rich to blame women’s behaviour on “hormones” when testosterone has been fucking everything up for millenia.

Me too!

British food was crap for a long time but it is so amazing now

I dunno, I think he is pretty consistent. If there are more roles for people other than white men, then how will Henry Cavill stay famous and make money to go to New Zealand first class with his friends. He’s over 6 feet!!!

I think I get why his girlfriend is a teenager.

He’s white, male, and reasonably good-looking if you ignore the dead soulless eyes. Somehow he’s gotten to this point in life without having to think, and it’s time for homeboy to realize that if he has nothing to contribute (because God knows he isn’t a good actor), he should just shut up and look pretty.

But does that mean we are saying that to have more black academy members would result in more black nominations? Is that not racist itself?

Jesus Christ - it’s TED CRUZ.

Exactly! Your WWII-themed restaurant, “Batter of the Bulge”, is not a thing that needs to exist. The world will live quite happily without Luftwaffles and Panzercakes on their plates.

Wait, what?

The thing is, it’s not even fusion, which suggests some kind of intention. Apart from the huevos rancheros (maybe things have changed but until recently it was virtually impossible to get decent Mexican food in the UK), this is all just...food. It seems like this woman wanted to serve food British people like


If you need to emphasized you’re not a racist you might want to rethink what you’re doing.