House Milkshaker of Daftbollocks

That is infuriating. I know all hearsay in these cases needs to be considered carefully but that makes my blood boil when Paddy Jackson was praised by his lawyer for his consistency. That won the case apparently.

I live in Belfast. I have friends who are in rugby circles.

Oh some other lovely details of this case; the jury was nine men and three women. And for some soothing nighttime reading, read the WhatsApp exchanges. Just kidding, definitely do not because they were disgusting. Animals.

I’ve had to avoid but the small amount I’ve seen is disgusting. It’s particularly upsetting when it’s women defending these poor boys whose lives could be ruined.

Thanks for covering this Prachi. The narrative around this case has been horrendous. As soon as the verdict was announced people were trying to dox the victim, called her a lying slag, cheering for the acquitted lads, all the classic hits. My “favourite” being “you lost ladies, have to accept the verdict” to a woman

I love studying our Hiberno-English dialect. Unfortunately being an expat I’ve lost a lot of it, but trips back home can be a fun refresher. “I’ve an awful hunger on me” basically translates back to the original Irish. I’d love to see a chart on the small differences too.

*Gaeilge. I also wrote a response to Moral Dictator detailing this but they dismissed it. Because they just want to be right.

Since the Moral Dictator dismissed my comment (and every dissenting opinion) in response to them I’ll post it again:

Dialects are still not languages – also, nice job dismissing my comment, it only serves to make you look like a bigger asshole – and most of your “accents” are a result of colonialism and the destruction of those native languages.

It doesn’t matter. They don’t care. Donald Trump was absolutely correct when he bragged that he could walk out onto Fifth Avenue and randomly shoot someone and he would not lose any votes. I don’t get it. You don’t get it. But they have made their decision and will not be swayed. By anything. Logical or illogical.

Yeah, no, people in San Diego know what Teslas are.


Oh yes. Ed’s a treasure. Blunt’s just awful.

I’m not sure if I’m following your discussion thread right, but James “You’re Beautiful” (ugh) Blunt *is* the same person being discussed in the bbc link posted by Rev Les Crowley.

I’m pretty sure Romney has declined the Secretary of State position and Conway is acting on Trumps orders to malign him. Then it can look like he “rejected” Romney because his followers didn’t approve. It scares me how easily he seems to be able to get his talking points out to the media and covered as facts.

she might be also dead inside

His Twitter meltdown today is so... true to form.

I really wish that more of this work had been done BEFORE the election.

No. Serena and Venus are phenomenal players by any and every metric, but no, they could not curb stomp Novak Djokovic. That isn’t a slight on their extraordinary gifts and grit. It’s just biology and physics. That doesn’t mean that female athletes don’t need to be treated fairly and equitably with male athletes. They