House Milkshaker of Daftbollocks

You monster. Do you eat pizza with a knife and fork.

You have no idea how thankful I am not to be subjecting myself to the standard “fucking stupid Americans” diatribe that would normally ensue were I in a UK forum right about now in the Age of Trump. It always goes well beyond what’s merited.

I miss talking with my UK friends in part because they brought me down to earth about a lot of misplaced and misguided perceptions I had as an American about topics such as this. To be fair, those misperceptions cut both ways, but I do think Americans are loathe to admit our disconnect on loads of stuff.

I would literally cover my face in embarrassment.. Cringing..

Honestly I think it may have more to do with how prominent the IRA was in US media a ways back. It’s still vivid in my memories.

He’s currently in a six-part BBC gig (also staring his tv wife from Rev, Olivia Colman)... le Carré’s The Night Manager. It’s soooooooooooo good. Also staring Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie!

Rev is hilarious - I love little Tom Hollander

Tom Hollander! I love him so much.

I miss Rev. Any Rev fans?

Yeah, interesting that her grandmother was an actress in Brazil and her father is Canadian and now she's British and marrying an American of Cajun and Jewish descent. Wonder what their kids name will be?

My wife’s from Belfast and the very thought of NORAID makes her fume.

Exsctly!! I don’t GET how/why folks have SUCH a damn hard time wrapping their brains around that fact.

Or those who gave money to the Provos.

I feel for you on blond lashes and brows- I’ve got them too :(

Unless you specify that this attitude was restricted to 60s/70s programming then you’re really talking out of your arse and are either lying or are ill-informed. Whilst I accept that the Irish haven’t always been looked fondly upon in television and print media, you must also appreciate the impact of the IRA on the

Well, slavery was incredibly common throughout history. Most of us probably have some ancestors somewhere back that were “slaves,” especially if you consider serfdom to be slavery, which I do. The way slavery looked in the US is pretty unique though, as compared to historical slavery. It was much harsher, most slaves

“Europeans don’t face nearly the systemic racism or classism that the descendants of African slaves do”

OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU. I have had it about up to here (indicate point on forehead) with this. At this rate we’ll be revising history to say that all Europeans who worked in ANY service position were slaves. We’re at a socital turning point where now that the fight for equality is back at the forefront, and those

No I’m not surprised, although the medical dispo I frequent employs a couple of black people. It’s majority white-bros with facial hair and lots of opinions.