House Milkshaker of Daftbollocks

Yes, the American diet is full of sugar and salt. And fast food, of course. Pizza varies a lot in America, by geography. It is generally flat thin crust, oily with cheese and a meat in New York, where it is often street food sold by the slice, but in Chicago it has meat, veg, and cheese- and a thicker crust. Food can

Supermarket heaven is in France and Spain though. Spanish supermarkets are the best for fresh stuff. And cheap.

He only just realised we have racism for goodness sake.

My granny (who lived to be 106!) used to tell me all about rationing, and for some reason I always remember being fascinated that a pair of tights was like, impossible to come by. She was born in 1907, so she had really clear memories of "the war" and living in Burma & India during the occupation. Really fascinating

Well as a gay man, he didn’t recognize Elton John. While he is only 23, Sir Elton John won for The Lion King. Now how daft do you have to be?!

I really think people should stop criticizing Sam Smith for what was a simple and understandable slip of the tongue. And I can say that with a little bit of gravitas as the first openly gay man on the internet.

Sam Smith looks like Kung Fu Grip GI Joe in that picture.

Personally, I’ve never found Leo hot.

Who, me?

You’re right to an extent, certainly the vast majority of actors have little power on their own. This is the case in all labor relations, or all relations between those with obvious power and those who work for them.

I'd like to see Emma Stone not convince people she can portray someone half-Asian. That would be a start.

Casting directors and agents? While they are probably not helping the diversity, they are doing exactly what they are told to do. The people to blame are 1)Studio Heads 2)Producers 3)Directors. Top down my friend. Most nominated directors are white (and male), as are the producers and any/all executives of Big movie

And the producers and directors are beholden to the Studio heads....

The amount of smarm in that room made me feel physically distressed.

“Costume designer Sandy Powell, nominated for Cinderella, took on a butch fantastical take in an argyle brocade and ringed dog-collar—it was costume-y but entirely personal to her.”

Gotta add this one. I love Jenny Beaven not giving a flying fuck about Oscars formal wear. Totally badass.

she looks addorable

I heard Daisy Ridley’s dress is made from George Lucas’s tears.