Which is why I think people responded to him so well. He was a rock star and he was also an adult. A responsible, level headed adult. That’s rare in the rock world.
Bowie was from space though, so that probably messes with your understanding of geography.
That picture was taken by Jimmy King, not by Iman. Iman posted it onto her Instagram as a re-gram from Bowie’s official account. The photograph was published - not taken - on his birthday a couple of days before his death. The ‘taken by Iman a few days before his death’ myth was created by some blog and literally…
I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no…
It’s nice to read an article about a celebrity’s will that sounds reasonable and fair and the people who are getting the inheritance being the same.
I’ve heard that a lot of wealthy families don’t let their kids access their trust funds or inheritance until their late 20s or 30s... I guess they do that if they want them to support themselves and not rely on the money?
The gifts to the nanny and the assistant are even more evidence that David Robert Jones was a oner in the best possible way.
The Daily Mail mocked her for having a belly button piercing from 20 years ago.
It’s easy to sneer at people for hating needles, but for somebody who’s been getting multiple daily injections every day of their life since childhood or even infancy, it really and truly can be a terrifying thing.
Sorry, but that’s BS. By your logic Bill Cosby should be raking in the offers of work.
No one in their right mind would sign up (with) Bill Cosby for any business, or appoint Max Clifford as their publicist, so how the FUCK can Richardson still be in business?!
Even worse are the people who have read it and think it’s glorifying pedophilia or that Nabokov was himself a pedophile and the book is some kind of confession.
I think that Lolita is one of those books that everyone claims to know, but few people have read (Uncle Tom’s Cabin is another example). I remember the whole “Long Island Lolita” thing and people acting like the girl anything other than a victim. I have a friend who is an English professor and teaches the book. He has…
90s icon Julie Delpy
Nottingham is alright, but I’m further north and it’s fuckwit central.
Californication should never have lasted 7 seasons, it stopped being good after 3, and I have never even heard of Aquarius until today. Gillian is fantastic in The Fall and Bleak House, and she does tons of miniseries that are extremely popular in England but we don’t watch in the US because we suck.
Scotland doesn’t fucking “hate us” because - who is “us”? There are different forms of “us” and some are just as hated (more hated?) up north as in Scotland. See Nigel Farage at the Oldham election. He seemed very surprised by the cultural differences and response that he was more alien than foreign born residents. MY…