House Milkshaker of Daftbollocks

It’s impossible to say - British cops kill many fewer people, full stop. US cops kill a disproportionate number of black people. I’m not pretending some UK police aren’t racist by the way or that the UK is “less racist” - just that the situation is better for people of colour in the UK purely in the sense that very

This Is England has a spinoff show now. 86, 88, and 90. All very good.

I absolutely fucking agree. My best friend is british and also mixed, and his mother had mentioned to me many times about the racism she dealt with being in an interracial relationship. If you don’t see racism, you are choosing not to read, you must not have POC friends, you’re living under a rock. All this stuff in

Stephen Lawrence wasn’t killed by the police. I have had the honour of meeting his mother. Following his murder and the resulting appalling police behaviour, the Met police underwent significant reforms. They can’t even indict the police who kill black people in the US.

Oh, I’m sure it was shocking. I’ve only heard racist comments once, and the entire bus looked up in shock, some guys started towards the offending person and he got off the bus sharpish. It’s the tone of the tweets that was strange, as though he didn't believe racism still existed.

Racism in the UK is different than in the US. It is better than the US in the sense that people of colour are not getting shot regularly, though.

Exactly, and I think this is evidence of the kind of bubble pop stars live in. If you take the tube or the bus, as most Londoners do, you will probably have heard some racist comments at some point. But he almost certainly never does, and he lives in a very privileged world full of luvvies where he probably doesn’t

It’s great that he cares, it’s just dumbfounding to me, as a person who has lived in the UK, that he hasn’t realized that racism is still a thing there until now.

As a resident of both the US and the UK, you have to be pretty damn stupid to not realize that racism still exists in the UK. It’s different from racism in the US, and there’s a lot more classism in play, but you have to be living in a bubble to not realize that it exists.

The group investiagated, the delightfully named SPEW, is mainly known for work in trade unions and electoral politics, together with some anti-war work ect. They don’t form black blocks or engage in any violence; indeed, until 25 years ago they were a part of the Labour Party.

There is no cause for this investigation

Can we talk about the names of her $24 Liquid Lip colors?

Well, my team in the lab says it’s pretty good but their analysis should be taken with a grain of salt as they’ve been known to falsify some data. Also, they’re imaginary.

Someone check on their chemistry, guys. How organic (according to the recent meaning of the word) is it? Because lots of brands calling themselves natural and organic are as carcinogenic as the rest. If her crap is not toxic, it's actual good news.

We don’t have the BNP anymore, they forgot to pay £25 to the Electoral Commission which manages the list of political parties in the UK. They are no longer eligible to put candidates forward in elections.

I don’t doubt that there are plenty of white supremacists who support UKIP (and the Tories, for that matter), but the party itself is not white supremacist and has prominent non-white members. Milkshaker is right.

I’m an United Statesian, and even I’m pissed off at the assholes in the Tories. Bunch of “I’ve got mine and fuck y’all” dicks.

Oh, wait, no. My sheesh was for the dolts at BNP, not you! I wasn’t being sarcastic or anything like that! I was sincere in thanking you for the update.

Thank you for the update on BNP not even paying their election fee. Sheesh.

Come on now. UKIP is nationalist, but they’re not white supremacists. The BNP just lost official party status because it failed to pay the annual £25 fee. And the National Front is incredibly tiny.

There’s something very funny about using pork-based Cockney rhyming slang to describe a Muslim northerner. You might as well say he’s a man who likes girls who wear coats.