
As someone who just moved to SD a few years ago, the Gaslamp is filled with douchebros because the navy is just down the road. Sorry to say it, but it’s the truth. The further from downtown you get, the nicer it is and the nicer the people. The only thing that sucks worse than the Gaslamp, is San Diego overhopped IPA.

What I don’t get is that he clearly violated at least three women’s right to privacy and doesn’t get a sex offender status, while those two people in Florida have sex on a beach and get sex offender status for years. WTF?

The other explanation is that they’ve worked on this type of car repeatedly in the past, so that the novelty has worn off. They also probably wouldn’t bother talking to the owner about it since he mistakenly called it in as a 2010 model and not a 1990. No one wants to talk to an owner who can’t even get the year of

It’s not a bomb, it’s just the Cubs regular season of play.

Sorry, but only the kiddies that weren’t even born at that time would say this about this movie. If you were alive at the point in time this was released in the theaters, it was a different story. AND the movie holds up to this day despite the lack of dialog because Millus showed the story instead of today’s much more

Other than Neil Degrasse Tyson, they’d have to pay ME to read the tripe in that list of books.

Other than Neil Degrasse Tyson, they’d have to pay ME to read the tripe in that list of books.

Look, we kick screaming, belligerent people out of public places all the time, children should be no different. If your kid can’t hold their shit together in public, then get a babysitter to take care of them at home until the point where your kid(s) can act civilized in a public setting. Yeah, yeah, they were on

Cats don’t make their owners go crazy.....those people are already crazy to begin with. :D

The last somewhat watchable movie Crowe has done was Almost Famous (which is still extremely over-hyped). That was what, 15 years ago? And that was based on something he knew something about. This movie looked like it was made for either CBS’ old folks tv hour, or the Hallmark channel’s bad movie cavalcade. In other

I never worked at a dealership, but I have a good story. I was getting ready to move to Southern California from Northern California for work. One of the things I needed was a car (I lived in San Francisco at the time, and you don’t need a car in SF). I went to a rental car dealership that was selling their used

First off, watching golf on tv is like watching someone do their taxes on tv. Second, is golf really a sport? Yes, I understand it takes some skill to hit the little ball into the little hole, but really...is that really considered a sport. Because if it is, then wastebucket basketball should be considered for the

Maybe some of these 'pop' assholes should start trying to learn about music and come up with some sound(s) instead of ripping off....excuse me... SAMPLING other, better music that came in the eras before they were born.

Cookies, doughnuts, pastries, and most baked goods taste better with milk. Just because your mutant taste buds don't like the taste, doesn't give de facto power over what age people can or cannot drink milk. So you fail in your argument. What's next, pot is bad for my waistline?

The shit I've seen while catering is too horrifying for words. Just when you think humanity can't shock you out of the jaded, shell-shocked, things you have witnessed, that's when they decide to pull the really weird shit out on you.

If Seattle fans didn't have the douchey "12th man" douchebaggery going on, I might have been able to pull out a half a fuck given for the Seahawks. As it stands, I have two roommates from Seattle, and one just bought a 12th man flag to fly in front of our house on Sunday. On that principle alone, I want the Patriots

Frankly, if you want to make sports on tv interesting, combine the use of live artillery and hidden land mines on the field. These guys are getting paid enough as it is, and chances are, the longer they play in the NFL, MLB, NBA, the more likely they're going to commit a major felony. Might as well make their careers

All I have to say is that hockey season starts in October. That's when a REAL sport actually begins. Until then, there are no sports worth watching.

Ikea's Lack is what I've been using for a few years now with no complaints.

Ikea's Lack is what I've been using for a few years now with no complaints.

As a decade plus attendee of Comic Con and Wondercon (when it used to be good and in San Francisco), here are a few things I've learned:

I use mine exclusively in the gym. Frankly, I could give a flying fuck as to what people think of them. They're comfortable, I can get a better stretching range out of them when I'm warming up, and they work for me. As for the people commenting about the $90 price tag, the majority of entry-level gym shoes cost that