Since no one seems to read the responses with this crappy commenting system and I keep getting the same gripes over and over again, here it is yelled out for the cheap seats.
Since no one seems to read the responses with this crappy commenting system and I keep getting the same gripes over and over again, here it is yelled out for the cheap seats.
I use stencils (that I create) from time to time in my art, but I prefer freehand. And maybe you should read my response to the other comment for clarification before insulting me, asshat.
I'm not saying that there isn't any creativity in making the stencils. But since this is an article about painting (with a spraycan) and it mentioned Banksy as an example, there is no need for artistic skill to use a stencil. I can teach a monkey to use a stencil, but I can't teach a monkey to create a stencil.
For movies that are in the theater (like Oswald's tweet example) I agree, people should be careful about spoilers because not everyone gets to the theater to see a movie the day it opens. TV shows, on the other hand, are fair game. So you didn't watch the night it aired. Boo hoo. Your loss. It's like dvring the Super…
It still looks like someone who's never painted before. Besides, doesn't Banksy just use stencils? Any idiot can use stencils. No skill is required for that.
They should have called it WINE-O. This actually is a pretty great invention, and I can see the price coming down on the units as it becomes more of an industry standard. Also, if they can create one of these guys that can recognize ripe and ready grapes and pick them, it will really revolutionize not just the wine…
Engadget was reporting that it started at 10pm (their time) and that it was a security guard hitting a worker that caused the riot.
Charlie, I just wanted to say this is the best review (written by someone who actually understands the source material too!) I've read about this movie so far, and I heartily agree. I had a blast finally seeing the real Judge up on the screen in a great movie that moved along very well. My friend who had never heard…
Here's where the "idea" for this "new" series came from:
I can tell you where Clara VonWhatever got this idea from....cafeterias. Really not that inventive or creative unless you're 5 years old and like your food separated into different compartments. Honestly, if these are the kind of designs that are getting greenlit and seen as 'innovative', then I can see why mediocrity…
$500 phone + $500 GPS shoes + Messenger bag with $2000+ computer + Idiot staring at their feet while they walk = A Mugger's Wet Dream Come True.
Looks kinda like the IKEA Lack series ( except more colorful, and slightly tackier.
Yeah, unless you live in Europe, Asia, or a large, metropolitan U.S. city. I use it to buy groceries. Ties straight into my credit card.
Just wait until it goes on sale at That's what I did. Got nearly 50% off a brand new one.
This is the only waffle iron I'd pay $150 for to cook me waffles when I was hungover. If only Wafflebot actually existed......
Maybe if you read the comments, you'll see more than a few people saying that MS is copying Apple by opening a store. My eyes work fine, how're yours?
Again, it makes me laugh that Apple fanbois think that Apple was the first to have a store. Microsoft used to have a bunch of these stores across the country in the late 90's, and then closed them after Vista came out. I remember the one here in SF at the Sony Metreon that used to look like the bridge of the…
Ben Heck shows you how to make your luggage follow you on its own.
So "Automan", basically?
Nope, I was asking a blog writer to maybe consider having a small attention to detail. Not to memorize the Magna Carta.