
This game has so much hate. I can't click on an article about it without a bunch of bitching.

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If you haven't seen Hot Fuzz; You need to stop what your doing and watch it right now. This movie is fucking hilarious.

Don't go buddy! It'll get better! And then worse. But then maybe better again!

Because that's complicated and normal people don't give a shit.

i can't look at those new spiderman movies...

A watch under $200 posted on Gizmodo.

Developer: "I swear! I wasn't copy pasting code I swear!!"

I just picked up a 5S and the quality of the camera, particularly the new slo-mo function, amazes me.

Will there ever be a screen size number that Samsung decides to just stop at? Or will the Galaxy S8 have a 6.5" screen?

All I see in the mexican media is about Venezuela but to me Kiev seems by far worse. They havent really touched the Thailand crisis too.

Here's another take on the subject