
What case is that? I want one now

I spent $900 dollars total on a PC with 100 games... just putting that out there

I'm running it on ultra settings, full screen, with a 7870 and it's amazing

Did any website save the movie so i can watch?

How big is the file because I have a 16 Gb stick yearning for an OS (I know its not recommended)

Good enough for me!

Sublime test is free! I have it for mac and its completely free!!!!!!

Ive grown to hate battlefield so much, My friend installed and used a hack on my account without my knowledge and because punk buster does perm bans, I got permabanned. I tried to appeal it and they denied my claim and are trying to force me to pay another $60 as well as regain the endless hours I've played. Its

Im an avid photographer, actually I'm currently in photo class, and the true difference between the cameras is preference of decisions. A dslr and iPhone can take the same picture yes, but the true difference is the ability to decide how your dslr should take a photo. If you want to buy a dslr and your only going to

We love you to rob ford

My friend deleted system 32 :(

don't feed the trolls

to build this exact machine would be about 2,500$ i mean it only has two drives, 16gb of ram, and haswell. (not great gaming). Heres what my guess for the market price for each of these is

if i had 3,500$ to build a custom PC I could easily make a better one than this. I mean, this is a great computer but for 3,500! thats kinda ridiculous. Please Mike Fahey give me that amount of money to build a comp and my god you would kill urself over the specs

I, personally, like iOS better however, I have used both OSes for extensive amounts of time, and I have plenty of problems with both.