
Conway has no interest in getting out. Her resume shows her career trajectory of consistently functioning as licker of the worst white, male, Republican balls since 1992 (Fred Thompson, Dan Quail, Gingrich, Ted Cruz......). She is as unbearable and unwatchable as President Elect Con Man, spewing nonsense at

Get used to it, right wing idiots. The broken promises are only going to keep coming, and they’re going to get bigger and bigger until you can’t ignore that this orange buffoon is not going to be making you wealthy.

They dont have all the guns, not by a long shot.

So he can steal anything he can get his hands on with nary a peep from his devoted followers, but merely admitting that reality is, you know, reality, is an unforgivable offense. How, exactly, are we not going to end up in a civil war with these goobers?

Just a note here that the fascism article I linked to is from an old issue of Free Inquiry that’s hard to find online, but the website itself, Rense, is a terrible hive of conspiratorial far-right bullshit and suggestions that Hillary Clinton is the anti-Christ. Going to find a better link and swap it out momentarily.

Ah, drugs would make sense. It just always seemed like such a flimsy excuse to me, because I’ve been treated for dehydration and passing out and I got an IV and told to take a knee. Unless there is something else going on it really doesn’t take that long to get rehydrated.

The exhaustion and dehydration usually come from a manic bipolar episode. Or lots of drugs.

please everyone. no more snark or assholery regarding kanye. he’s a human being who deserves our care and compassion, regardless of your opinion on him, his wife, his lifestyle, or anything else.

colourpop > kylie

That plagiarism isn’t even good. The Kylie version looks so amateurish. Not that it’s an excuse if something ripped off is done better, mind you.

I feel bad for Kanye, he hasnt been the same since his mom’s death. Here’s hoping he recovers.

Extremely progressive both for Baylor and trump. Same sex physical assault is seen by some as a sin.

You know when you hear a joke so many times, you forget why you ever laughed at it? And then, you hear it one more time, and all of a sudden, it’s hilarious again?

This isn’t that one more time.

Sounds like someone’s gunning for a cabinet position.

I actually am less convinced now that the MIB is William - was Maeve the brothel madam when Logan & William entered the park? I thought she was, which would mean their story came after. But I honestly don’t know - clearly this show edits things together so you feel like things are happening simultaneously when they’re

“This pain is all I have left of her,” Maeve screams in the basement as Ford tries to Eternal Sunshine her daughter from her, but the trauma is too great to be permanent. It recalls the Man in Black’s comments from an earlier episode,

I guess Kanye had artist/intellectual cred that that Kardashians lack? Idk.

A white woman making fun of another white woman is not racist. Xenophobic, maybe. Not racist.

This review makes less sense than the movie.

The freaking Dodge Journey. I had one as a rental earlier this year and feared for my life every lane change.