
“You have to understand in the current social climate we’re in, when you fly a Confederate flag standing in front of several African American people, that’s going to cause a disturbance, whether you intended to or not.”

So he proves that BLM protesters hate cops...by murdering cops.

I’ll guess that Cersei doesn’t turn Tycho Nestoris away, but kills him outright for his insolence.

Perhaps (!) the very reason that they always repeat that over and over was to create the very build-up to make NOT paying it dramatic. That’s some fine writing there, George R.R....

They had me at mention of a competition for young folks. Totally original concept there that I’ve never seen in a YA book before! Dynamite!

If you’re going to spend years driving it home how important it is that a Lannister always pays their debts, then eventually you have to have one not pay their debts.

A YA novel series about a young girl ... forced to compete for a place in the upper echelons of a secret city.

I haven’t been living in the U.S for a while now, and I’m still terrified. My “pro-life” dead who once pressured my little sister into getting an abortion, told me, last time I visited, that he is voting for Trump.

Also, note that Ramsower got angry at Crawford for writing a physical memo. Sounds familar right? The Pepper Hamilton report was “paperless”too, Baylor has a lot of practice at this.

Thank you for this bright spot. I got into such a funk just now with all the political bs, watched Tina Fey in WTF and just cannot stop crying. This helps put things into a bit of perspective.

Nah, I’m good with Hillary.

In happier news, a woman who was born prior to women being allowed to vote just cast her ballot for Hillary Clinton. It’s pretty incredible to think all that this woman has seen in her lifetime and that she is alive today to not only vote but for the first female presidential candidate.

Um, guess who the prosecutor was for Marc Rich? Guess who was on special counsel for the Whitewater investigation, which later involved Kenneth Starr, which led to Monica Lewinsky investigation? Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but yup it was Mr. Comey.

Supposedly the FBI has turned into our Facebook feed where half the department wants to stay out of things and the other half thinks Sean Hannity runs the department

I tend to let any of his shaky acting go because of my huge ladyboner for Jamie.

What the fuck is Comey doing? A lot of Democrats were giving him the benefit of the doubt and saying he was in a bad position, etc. I thought maybe the email thing was incompetence, but then he’d keep his head down and not try to screw with the election again. What is he doing?

I think on some level, many people don’t believe Hillary Clinton would be running the country. They think Bill Clinton would be running the country and Hillary would be his mouthpiece, because Hillary doesn’t have a penis, and whoever heard of someone without a penis running things?

No. Have your read the book? Those 18 years were awkward and unhappy, because he always knew she loved someone else. Still, even though Frank could be really not nice to Claire during those years (I don’t want to say more because spoilers) I always felt bad for him. None of this was his fault!

I openly cringed when he said “honeypot.” No. No to that.

I stopped watching this series after By The Pricking Of My Thumbs. Rape and brutality isn’t my idea of a fun time.