
“Aren’t you getting tired of these other nations embarrassing us?”

He then went on to discuss the advantages of a double reverse mortgage with the Tampa residents.

Damn, Matt you’ve been killing it with the FIA stuff. I’d be interested to see some complaints from consumers energy, I’m sure they’ve gotten some nice ones about the way the estimate electrical usage a lot of the time instead of reading the meter monthly. I got overcharged just over $300 a few months back, I noticed

He’s tried to make me geaux to rehab
I won’t geaux, geaux, geaux.

There sure is. And you can bet he won’t be paying for her tuition anymore.

Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?

I... think you may be missing the use case. That’s kinda like saying a remote is stupid because it requires a TV to be fully functional...

Don’t get me wrong, there’s clearly a lot of people that support projects like neptune, but... that’s actually a different thing than a smartwatch (and is also distributed among

I’ll start worrying about Obama’s accountability, when the GOP starts worrying about all the times they stopped him from fixing stuff.

I can’t blame a fireman for not putting out a fire when the town wouldn’t buy him a firetruck. Which is basically the only explanatory analogy anyone needs for Benghazi, but for some

Jesse Helms was such a shitbag. The first campaign I really cared about and volunteered for, long before I could vote, was Harvey Gantt’s senate challenge. I never could abide avowed racists like Helms, and I’d have thought they were becoming less rare or at least less public until this year.

“Michelle Obama is beloved by all who value what is righteous and true” is a superb line, too.

I went to college in NC and, while I was too young to vote my freshman year, there were thousands of fliers up on campus about Jesse Helms. I remember one specific quote—women who are raped CANNOT get pregnant because ‘they’re juices don’t flow’.

Hey! I found an apple! Huh, it appears to be very close to this tree, how interesting.

The Ivanka Trump line of clothing and accessories isn’t just sold in the US. Her line is also sold in Canada and the UK. The Trump brand has taken a beating in these countries (I’m lumping in the countries in the UK in this), to the point that a recently built Trump condominium in downtown Toronto is about to change

Regardless of the weird old man he turned into, and rumors that he is an asshole, I think it sucks he won’t acknowledge this achievement. He wrote some profound and touching songs. And is prolific af 

Just curious, if Dylan never accepts the prize, what happens to the prize money? I have some student loans and I was just wondering if there was an online form I could fill out,maybe.

Sorry, when you use Daddy’s money and influence to build your brand, you don’t get to claim independence

Agreed about referring to her brand. Also, what brand is that? Her brand is tied inexorably to her father, that’s the only reason she has a brand in the first place!

Sorry, when you use Daddy’s money and influence to build your brand, you don’t get to claim independence when people realize he’s a monster. Can’t have it both ways.

The Starbucks app is down.

 some argue that her laser focus on winning the election has been more of a detriment than anything else.