
Or! And I’m just spit-balling here, she’s actually doing herself a big favor playing into the “I don’t know a damn thing, okay?” version of events.

Reminds me of Kirk Cameron’s birthday party. 3.5 feet of Subway sandwiches and half of a Sunny D for three people.

Yeah, they’re always trying to blame things on you, like things in your blood. Whatever. You know you can still play.

Something more has to be going on behind the scenes right? LBJ, Wade, now Bosh. His clotting issue does seem very serious, but why doesn’t he believe the team doctors?

He is being advised by his Jewish son-in-law. OBVIOUSLY HE IS NOW AN EXPERT.

Oh, good. Proud Know-Nothing inserts himself and his bland platitudes into the most complex diplomatic situation in the world. This will surely end well.

as someone who has spoken to kim kardashian, i can assure you that was written near her voice.

I feel bad for saying it, but this video is so satisfying.

This sucks...that’s all I’ve got.

There are those who will read this and think “Why, yes, I do want this con man to head our country, because we’ll be the beneficiaries of his grifts and swindles” without realizing that they’re the ones being swindled.

My work office is abuzz that he supposedly had an affair with Marion Cotillard when they filmed Allied. Which, if true, shouldn’t shock anyone including Angelina, as that is how she and Brad got together in the first place. Seems like his MO.

Everything about this is soooo strange.

Proud scavenger here. Today is our day!

Someone on one of the major networks was saying it couldn’t be terrorism because no terrorist would be dumb enough to put a bomb in a dumpster where it would contain the blast and minimize damage.

Those scavengers probably save several lives by nicking the suitcase and putting it under the dumpster.

Overly Knowledgeable Neighbor: “DiedofEnnui? Great neighbor. Never turns up the TV too loud. Doesn’t let the paper pile up out front. I can’t say much about where DiedofEnnui is right now. I only have GPS coordinates & a recent update on Snapchat. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

My guess is the truth is more like something in the middle of both stories. Carrey probably has issues with prescription drug abuse himself, and they probably had a history of taking them together while they were dating. However, I’m guessing he didn’t just give a large amount of heavy medication to a suicidal woman,

Well at least he didn’t illegally procure her some vaccinations. She could have gotten autism!

Security cameras? That’s an extra level of gross.

I’m enjoying the one that says, “JUST ONE BEFORE WE DIE!!” Honest.