
You’re supposed to bat your eyelashes until the guys do your work for you.

She’ll bring Trump 100% of the votes of women currently living in fundamentalist polygamist compounds.

He certainly has the haircut for Brooklyn.

He knows where to get the best veal parm in all 50 States?

As a Maryland resident, I wholeheartedly second this. People from southern NJ have more in common with folks from Delaware than those from Weehawken or Morristown.

26% in his own State and NJ probably won’t play well in the South and West.

If independents want to vote in either the Democratic or Republican primaries, they should register as a member of that party...following the rules of their state and doing so in a timely manner.

Samantha Bee’s Full Frontal is the real successor to Stewart’s Daily Show.

My mother did that once, but drove slowly beside me while I walked giving me a lecture the whole way.

She ended up going to LSU, so it’s not like she was prevented from going to college either. It’s just that her heart was set on UT and when she didn’t get it, it had to be the fault of the brown people not her own grades.

“SCOTUS also hinted that the problem might have been Abigail Fisher herself, who have had a clear road to UT if she had finished in the top ten percent of her class. ”

Our grandmothers fought social conventions to get out of those damn things, too.

Homeopathic remedies, probably.

His jaw rather than his head from the glimpses of what we were shown.

No one has seen or heard from him for a long, long time.

“The very last shot is of a grinning Sansa, showing how much she’s changed from the naive girl who spent the first few seasons pining for a world of storybook heroes.”

I lived in Louisiana a long time, moving there from Texas. One of the oddly refreshing things about Louisiana is that when they’re corrupt or gaming the system, they’re open about it. Texas is just as corrupt but they try to hide that s%^t. Louisiana, they’ll just tell you about it right to your face. After living in

Then there’s the matter of hosting the WINTER Olympics in Beijing. Is that city know for it’s proximity to winter sport suitable areas. Nope.

Boy, those guys sell out cheaply.

True. The Chinese can certainly build stuff.